Friday, September 2, 2011

Emma's Evaluations so far...

We have started Emma's evaluation process.  She has been seen by Speech, OT, and Physical Therapy.  I haven't gotten anything in writing, but they have all verbally told me that Emma is "typical", and developing just fine both physically, and neurologically.  They all felt she was above the 18 month level in a lot of areas which was nice to hear.  They said her talking is so good, and clear. 
She adds new words to her vocabulary every day.  The word of the week is "outside", and the phrase of the week is "ready, set, go". 
Guess she's making up for her sister not talking. 
One more evaluation to go for her (DT), and then we're done!!!
Macie has only a few more sessions left with all her therapists, and she will be going to school in 19 days- YIKES!!!
Here are just some cute pics of the girls.

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