with blogging, and life.
I am at the point where so much is going on that I sit down to blog, and I get overwhelmed and then just don't do it. I am going to kinda skip around and just do little blurbs of the happenings around here.
*I mentioned that Emma was being evaluated by early intervention. Anyone who has been around Emma in the past month or so knows there is absolutely nothing going on developmentally with her. I got the call from the EI coordinator the other day saying that we will not be having a meeting because "Emma didn't qualify for any services." (insert HUGE sigh of relief). I kinda knew in the back of my mind that she wasn't going to, but seeing as I don't have a clue what "normal" is, I thought it best to have her evaluated. Check that one off the list.
*Macie had her second evaluation at Children's Memorial last Friday. LONG story short, they didn't tell us anything new. It was kind of more of a nightmare than the other one, and we didn't even meet with the Dr. we were supposed to. Macie's EI coordinator said they can't switch Dr.'s on us like that without getting approval from her. She said they would be required to do another eval. with the other Dr. (the one we wanted to see). Phil and I decided that we are not going to put Macie through that again. It's pointless. We know what's going on with her, we are doing everything in our power to get her the help she needs, and that is all that matters at this point.
*We have been saying goodbye to all of Macie's therapists this past week. It's bittersweet, really. They have been a HUGE part of our lives for the past year and 1/2. They taught me things about Macie that I would have never figured out without their help. It's hard for a Mommy to admit that, but it's true. Macie has come so far because of them, and it's hard to say goodbye.
*Macie starts school on her 3rd Birthday (Sept. 20th), and I still can't believe it! We've had meetings with the teacher, all the aides, the speech therapist, and the occupational therapist that will be working with her. She will be going Monday through Thursday from 8:15 to 1:15, and Friday from 8:15 to 10:45. She's going to be EXHAUSTED the first couple of weeks. We are really excited for Macie to be going to school. We think it's going to be really good for her all around. We also decided to have the bus pick her up and drop her off. It's going to be so hard putting her on the bus and saying goodbye to her! I am super worried about her being upset on the bus, and being "alone" to deal with it. I'm worried about her being upset at school, and me not being there to help her through it. I do know that she is going to be in good hands, but it's hard to not be there for her. Crap, I am already welling up with tears just typing it.
*Both the girls had their well visits today. Macie is 36lbs., and 3ft. 1in. tall. She is in the 75th percentile for both weight and height. Emma is 24lbs., and 31 inches tall. She is 50th percentile for weight, and 75th percentile for height. Macie just had her check up for school, no shots! Emma had two shots. Mommy and Daddy got a bunch of stories and crap about not doing all the vaccinations for Emma. I had a story too, the Dr. said "I can respect that", and she had me sign a waiver saying I refused the MMR vaccine. Just for the record, I DO NOT believe that vaccines cause autism. If we do put Emma in daycare, I guess that's something we then get to take up with them at the time.
*I am job searching right now, but not having any luck. I know....bad time to look for a job. Now that Macie's going to school we could use the second income again. Emma would go in to daycare, and she really needs to. She needs to be around other kids.
I think that's all I have for now. I need to catch up on some much needed sleep. I will post some pictures of the munchkins tomorrow.
If you got this far in the post, could you send some good vibes over in my Mom and Dad's direction? They could use a little break from everything going on. xoxo
1 comment:
You have my love, support, understanding....an ear when you need someone to talk to and a shoulder to cry on. Love you all so much! Macie is going to do great!!!
Sending good vibes to your mom and dad....keeping them in my thoughts and prayers. :)
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