Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm just going to sell the house

and move in to a tent....maybe in Orange County (they have the best year round weather I think).

Macie and Emma can not get enough of this awesome weather we've been having the past few days.
I took them for an hour walk this morning.  The only time they have been inside was to eat lunch, and take the HOUR nap they both took today. 
I am inside cooking dinner, and Emma came up to me and said "hiiiiya".  I said "hi" back, and she then said "byeeeeee".  I said "bye?  where are you going?".  She said "outside". 
At what age can you just let your kids go outside alone and watch them from the window?  19 months?  K, Great!!!  If I had full view of the backyard, I would just let them out there while making dinner, cleaning, etc.

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