Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Getting sleep, FINALLY!!!!

I haven't had a good nights sleep in about 8 years!!!!  We finally decided to let Wrigley sleep in Macie's bed for the duration and OMG......she sleeps a solid 9 hours.  Rewind back to 5 months ago and this Momma got ZERO sleep!  Macie has always been a restless sleeper.  At one point, I spent many hours staring at a video monitor and made myself crazy.   I finally gave up and ditched the monitor......I had to......for my sanity.   Since Wrigley has snuggled up in Macie's bed.....pure bliss for all.  She sleeps soundly now for many hours, and I have peace of mind because I know she's sleeping better than she has in 8 years.  This pup has brought more peace and joy to Macie's life, and ours, than anything.  Win Win!
This post seems all about Me, but it's's just the beginning of this amazing journey with an amazing girl and her best friend.....her first friend.


I have decided to start blogging again.  There are so many amazing updates with Macie and Wrigley that I feel facebook peeps are annoyed with my posts.....understandable.
This will be my outlet so read or don't.  I really want to document the relationship with Macie and her pup.