Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Busy, busy, busy

Holy Cow have the last few weeks been nuts!

*Macie had her play based evaluation at the preschool last week, and she did AWESOME!  She did so awesome that I thought they might decide to put her in a "regular" classroom with an aide.  Oddly (to some), we would prefer for her to be in their special ed. program for AT LEAST a year.  I think she would get more out of it, and have more intense therapy.  We have a meeting next week to find out which program she will be in, and how many days/hours a week.  She didn't want to leave the school when it was time to go.  I cried the whole drive home because I was so proud of how well she did, how far she has come to this point, and because I can't believe my "baby" is going to school in a few weeks!
*We have started the process of Emma being evaluated by Early Intervention.  She has had her speech evaluation already.  OT comes today to do her evaluation, and I am still waiting to hear back from DT, and PT to schedule those evaluations. 
*The next couple of weeks are going to be a whirlwind of craziness.  With Emma's evaluations shoved in between Macie's therapy, make up therapy (since she is done Sept. 19th with EI), Dr. appointments, birthday parties, daycare visits (for Emma and possibly Macie), Macie's 2nd evaluation at Children's Memorial, IEP meeting at the school, discharge meetings with EI, and a wedding in there......I think Phil and I will need a vacation!!!!  So....if I am not blogging in the next few weeks- you all know why!!!
If I were a more organized person, this probably wouldn't be so overwhelming.

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