Wednesday, March 23, 2011

First Question

Where is Macie on the spectrum?

We don't know. We asked the same question, but didn't get an answer. After another evaluation in approximately a year they MIGHT be able to answer that for us.

"Autism affects the way your child perceives the world and makes communication and social interaction difficult. He may also have repetitive behaviors or intense interest. Symptoms, and their severity, and different for each of the affected areas (communication, social interaction and repetitive behaviors). Your child may not have the same symptoms and may seem very different from another child with the same diagnosis. It is sometimes said, that if you know one person with Autism; you know one person with autism."
"The symptoms of Autism typically last throughout a person's lifetime. A mildly affected person might seem merely quirky and lead a typical life. A severely affected person might be unable to speak or care for himself. Early intervention can make extraordinary differences in your child's development. How your child is functioning now may be very different from how he or she will function later on in life."

Information taken from Autism Speaks, First 100 Days Kit.
I have added the link to the kit below. It has a ton of great info. for anyone who would like to know more.


Kimberly said...

I think it's almost better not to know at this point where she falls on the spectrum...or where they thinks she falls.

When David was diagnosed at 3 he was diagnosed with low functioning autism and mild mental retardation. It was bad enough we were told that he had Autism, but then being told that he was on the severe end and mildly retarded almost killed me! I felt like there was no hope for my son....he's never going to talk, he'll never call me Mommy, he'll never play or interact with us or his brother...will he learn to ride a bike, play basketball, get dressed on his own, brush his teeth, be potty trained....the Doctors left me with nothing.

"Your son has Autism....there's no known cause, no cure, here's a packet of stuff to read, here's a book. Have a nice day!"

But what they didn't tell me, was that....when my son was four years old he will start talking more than ten words, learn to communicate his wants and needs using pictures, say his ABC's and know all their sounds...At five he will call me Mommy, learn to ride a big wheel, will know all his six he will be fully potty trained, start talking in sentences and will better understand verbal seven he will learn to read, do math, communicate his wants and needs verbally without pictures, he will start talking in complete sentences, he'll learn to brush his teeth and get dressed on his own, he will hug and kiss me good night and tell me he loves eight he will learn to be a smart ass, start talking back to us and he will tease his borther to tears. He will pretend he is batman, Iron Man or Super Man and he's saving the world from bad guys....he will talk on the phone with a poor "deserving" telemarketer about Super Mario Bros for ten mins until they finally decide to give in and hang up, lol.

And now that he's nine......who knows, but I have HOPE!!!

I don't know where David falls on the spectrum now, but what I do know is that he's not what the Doctors told me/what they put on paper and at that time I WISH they hadn't....

He's not low functioning and he's not mentally retarded. Is he high functioning? Not even close!!!
David has come a long way....but we still have a long way to go! Baby steps....=)

Macie has progressed so much in the last year and she will continue to progress. Remember every little step forward is HUGE!

Love you all so much!

(((hugs))) Kim

Michelle said...

David wouldn't be where he is today without you. Had you listened to the initial diagnosis, and believed it....who knows where you both would be.
Thank you for reminding me that my gut, and my heart are still the most reliable resources for Macie.
Love your are both amazing! Thank you.

Michelle said...
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