She looks so grown up in this picture- sniff sniff

I've taken a little break from blogging lately, and I feel a little unorganized when I try to sit down and do a new blog. With that said, I am just going to make this a random post. And.....it's now Wednesday and I am just getting around to writing some more on this blog.
My Mom had back surgery on Thursday, February 24th. Unfortunately she is still in the hospital, but getting better, and stronger everyday. We very much appreciate all the calls, e-mails, cards, flowers, gifts, prayers, and positive thoughts everyone has given! She did come home last night, and is doing well- YAY!
Macie started with her new speech therapist, and she is wonderful. She has seen a lot of progress from Macie in just 4 short sessions. I have also seen some changes in Macie, and it makes my Mommy heart smile! The therapist has given me a ton of "homework", but I know it's all for the good so I am doing it very willingly!
Emma is walking a lot more now. She gets the jelly legs quite often, but she's getting good. She never stops "talking". She now says "buh bye, dog, hi dada, done, O's, bubble, ba ba, ki ki, baby". She NEVER gives up on trying to play with Macie. Macie kicks her, hits her, pushes her down, and Emma just keeps going back for more. There are a few times I catch them playing together, drawing together, holding hands, but it's always short lived.
We decided not to go with the team at Children's Memorial to do Macie's Medical Diagnosis. After talking to many people, we felt that Illinois Masonic was a better option for all of us. I am still waiting to hear from them to schedule her appointment. They are about 2 months out with appointments, and I am ok with that. I know in my heart what the diagnosis is, we just have to make it "official" I guess.
Both girls have been sick on and off FOREVER!!! I am sick of taking them to the Dr., I am sick of boogers, sick of them being miserable, and I am sick of this crappy weather. Can't wait to be outside more! They both have a check up for their ear infections tomorrow. Hopefully they are cleared up!
I signed up for Weight Watchers again. It was very successful for me the first time around so I decided to do it again. I lost 2.5lbs this first week- yippee! I am doing it all online this time around and it's really great. I can track everything, get recipes, etc. I got rid of my gym membership, it's just too hard for me to find time to go. I do workouts at home, and it's just perfect for me! My goal is to lose about 15ish more pounds.
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