Emma is walking about 80% of the time. She tries to run instead of walking, she falls and then just crawls the rest of the way. She definitely is attempting to walk most everywhere. She looks too little to walk, but I am definitely excited about it. She will be able to run around the yard when the weather cooperates more!
She is chatty! She now says "all done, dog dog, ki ki, ba ba, Mama, Dada, Hi Dada, uh oh, baby, more, go go". Her mouth never stops moving unless she has a bottle, or is sleeping. Loving it!
She is learning how to use a fork and spoon, and she's mastered the sippy cups, but still prefers her Silk in a bottle. She's still using a "bink bink", but mostly just for naps and night time.
She feeds her baby doll when I tell her she's hungry. She shares all the time. She offers me her sippy cup, her binky, her food, etc. She is ALWAYS feeding Otis!
She's really warping into a toddler FAST!
The pictures are adorable...and she's getting so big!!!
Way to ge Emma.....can't wait to see you walking! =)
"go" haha....where's my spell check! lol
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