Where to start?
As you know, Macie peed on the potty the other day. On Sunday before she got in the tub I decided to put her on the potty. She got up from the potty and looked in there, and there was a turd. I was just as surprised as she was!!! Then what does she do? She reaches for it.....NOOOOOOOO, don't touch your poop!! We did the happy Poo Poo dance, and then we flushed it and waved bye bye to it. I can't be pegged as the Poo Paparazzi because I didn't want to ruin the process by going to grab the camera. I did of course have to call Phil upstairs to witness Macie's first poo poo on the potty. It was a happy moment! I'm very certain that the poo poo's and the pee pee's on the potty this past week were a fluke. She doesn't know how to tell us when she has to go, and she doesn't know how to get herself undressed to do the deed. She also has peed on the floor twice when I was attempting to get her to go on the potty again. I do think it's a step in the right direction, and hopefully being potty trained by the time she's 15. I know it's going to be a long process. I am told that "sensory kids" are very difficult to potty train. Irregardless, we are very proud of the Face!
Emma took her first solo steps on Sunday also. She was standing next to the couch, and she just let go and took three steps towards me. She's taken a step here and there since, but she prefers to either crawl or surf the furniture. She also now says "bu bu" for bubbles. She has stopped saying "Mama". I am "Dada" now. I tell her "say Mama", she grins at me and says "Dada". Little stinker! Guess I just have to complain about it, and type it since she just said "Mama mama mama". She's not feeling well right now so I think she's pleading with me to help her feel better.
I guess our schedule wasn't quite full enough with all Macie's therapies, appointments, work, etc. we now are adding a Pediatric Nutritionist to the mix. She came over last night and did an evaluation on Macie, and "qualified" Macie for services. I have been doing a food journal for Macie for a while. I was doing it to try and figure out if there were certain things that upset her tummy, or made her act differently, etc. The nutritionist was thrilled that I did it. Based on what I told her, and the food/mood journal, she has asked that we cut out dairy all together. We have to make a trip to the Vitamin Shoppe to get some supplements for her so that she gets enough calcium. She was thrilled with everything that Macie eats. She said she really eats very healthy for a 2 year old, and she eats very balanced meals. I have to admit, I was a bit surprised. I pictured her coming into our house and grabbing a huge garbage bag and throwing everything out. So we are adding another "stranger" in Macie's life. She was finally getting used to all the other therapists, and now we have to start from scratch with this new one! It's all for her benefit, I just have to remind myself of that once in a while.
I also have begun the process of getting Macie a medical diagnosis. It's emotionally exhausting to make the decision to do this, but I feel that it's time. She is still making great progress, but there are still some concerns. A diagnosis doesn't change her therapy in any way. It will help us a great deal I think. It will help when she gets ready to go to school, and will get whatever help she needs in the classroom.
Macie has added some words to her vocabulary:
Graham cracker (that's a tough one)
all done
She still doesn't use sentences, but at least we are having an easier time understanding her wants and needs. She cries less now that she is able to voice some wants and needs. Her receptive language is amazing. She follows directions, and listens to most of what we say to her. In so many ways she seems like a "typical" 2 year old.....just a very quiet one (at least as far as talking goes). It seems the most difficult issue with her now is climbing. She has to be moving and climbing all the time. It soothes her I guess, but I am a nervous wreck all the time. She climbs on anything and everything. She will pull toys out of her toy box and use them as a step ladder to climb higher. She NEVER stops moving. We need to look into gymnastics for her, but I am not sure where we would fit that in. It's very frustrating that we are basically home ridden all the time. Her therapies force us to be home most of the time. It's hard to "socialize" her when you can't leave the house!!!!
I think that is all the updates I have for now. I have to go feed Chatty Cathy her lunch.
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