Thursday, January 20, 2011

Never in a million years........

did I imagine I would be so extremely giddy over pee pee in a potty!!!!!Nor did I ever think I would document it with a picture, and a post for everyone to see!
Yes it's true! Macie went pee pee in the potty for the first time today!
It's quite a funny story (at least from my perspective). Macie got up from her nap today, and immediately went over to her Little People house. There is a little "potty" in there that makes a flushing noise. She was obsessively flushing the toilet. I had the monitor on, and could hear it. I immediately thought "hmmmm, maybe she's trying to tell me something.". I ran upstairs, grabbed her potty, and brought it in to her room. We've been trying to get her to use it in the bathroom, but with no success. She's peed on top of it twice while brushing her teeth, and one of those times was last night. I stripped her down, sat her on the potty, and handed her a book for distraction. She got up right away so I put her on it again and started giving her a pep talk. I may have been bribing her with "Gabba Gabba", "cookies", "crackers"...... She was reading her book, and I may or may not have blown on her lady parts in a desperate attempt to bring some awareness to what she should be doing, and where it should be coming out. As soon as I did that, she farted. I got all excited thinking she was gonna poo, but out came the pee!!!! I immediately did a little potty dance, a lot of very obnoxious praising, some high fives, some hugs, and kisses. She was so proud of herself. She got a huge smile on her face like DJ Lance Rock just walked in the room and congratulated her! When she got off the potty I said "look what you did Macie, look at your pee pee....I am so proud of you!". She looked into the potty, ran around her room clapping, and then came over and shut the lid on the potty.
Whether it was just a fluke, or maybe a start to some diaper less days.....I don't care. I am one proud Mommy!!!!
Yay Face!!!!
Wanted to add that we have been talking to her about using the potty, sitting her on it once in a while, showing her the potty in the Little People house. When she gets mad during a diaper change I explain to her that if she would just use the "big girl potty", she wouldn't have to endure the ever so awful diaper changes!!!

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