Little Ems-
Once again, the month got away from me and I am posting this late. You turned 11 months old yesterday! This last month was a very busy one for you for several reasons. You had your first Christmas, first New Year celebration, you are "talking" up a storm, trying to walk, and you got three new teeth! You also had your first two illnesses too.
Your first Christmas was so nice, and you were so spoiled with toys, and a whole new wardrobe! We started the celebration by stopping by to see your Great Grandma Rose. Everyone there just adored you and your sister in your matching outfits. After our visit we headed over to Uncle Tony and Aunt Karens house to celebrate Christmas Eve with the rest of the family. On Christmas Day we all went over to Grandma and Papa's house to open more presents, and have dinner.

On New Year's Eve (also Daddy's birthday) we went over to your Uncle Joe and Aunt Sam's house. You had your third round of Christmas there, and got to play with your cousins!

You are quite chatty lately too. Some things you have said are: Mama, Dada, dog, kitty kitty, ball. You know where Mommy's nose is, you HATE when I tell you "no"- the tears start rolling. You walk with the help of a push toy, but just not ready to walk on your own. You love exploring, and playing with your toys. You try so hard to play with your sister, but most of the time it ends up with both of you in tears. She'll come around someday....I hope!!!

The not so fun parts of this last month were your teeth, and being sick. You got your two top middle teeth and then added a third to the bottom. I think it was pretty uncomfortable for you, but you don't complain a whole lot. We had a horrible bout of the flu makes its way through our house. Macie got it first, then you. It was awful to see you two so sick, and I have NEVER seen a baby projectile as far and as much as you did. Your Daddy and I then got it, and we have no idea how you handled it as well as you did!!!
Then when we got you home New Years Day you felt really hot, but I thought it was from being in the car seat. I took your temp and it was 105!!!! Made me a little (okay....A LOT) nervous being so high. We called the Dr. and they just said to try and keep it down with tylenol and motrin, and to bring you to the ER if you got worse, or the fever went higher. The fever hung around for almost three days, but never got that high again. You were fine otherwise, a little stuffy but it didn't stop you from eating, playing, etc.'s been a whirlwind of a month for you (us). You are such a laid back baby. Nothing really seems to bother you except an empty tummy, or a wet diaper. Oh yeah, and me telling you "no". You love to snuggle when you are sleepy, and you are a great sleeper. You love books- especially Goodnight Moon and Old MacDonald. You adore your Daddy, and you are always looking for him and saying "Dada". I love when you are on the other side of the room, and I get down on the floor to play with you. You come flying over and climb up in my lap, and say "Mama, Mama".
I can't believe in less than a month you are going to be a year old. Seems impossible to me!
I love you sweet girl,
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