SHE looks very cute, and innocent! sweet, energetic little Macie "fractured" my nose. I always wanted something "done" with my nose, but this wasn't the route I was thinking.
Phil was upstairs running a bath for the girls when it happened. I put Macie on my lap facing out to take her socks and pants off. She was completely happy, not upset, not thrashing....NO WARNING signs. She just decided in a split second that she wanted off my lap. She threw her head back, and WHAM! She hit my nose with her head. I heard a loud CRACK, and everything went fuzzy. I saw stars, then my eyes started watering. I couldn't yell, couldn't cry. I was in so much pain, and I was completely stunned. I immediately went to the freezer and grabbed a bag of peas. The only concern Macie had was- why on earth was I putting HER peas on my nose!!! She kept poking at the bag, and when I couldn't take it anymore I went upstairs and bawled my eyes out to Phil.
Macie doesn't quite understand how others feel, but Phil had a "talk" with her while she was in the tub about how she "accidentally hurt Mommy, and she should give me a kiss". When she was done with her bath Phil brought her over to me and said "see Mommy hurts, give her a kiss". She gave me three kisses!!! Kisses are hard to come by with Macie. She doesn't really ever give them. She will offer you her cheek when you ask for one. I think she is starting to understand feelings a bit better, and I certainly felt better after her kisses.
After a few days of agony I went to the Dr. There is a hairline fracture, and my septum has a slight deviation. There's not really much they can do unless I have issues down the road with breathing, etc.
Rhinoplasty from Dr. Macie!!!!
I took pictures of the deviation, but I'll spare you the shot up my nose!!!
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