The super sucky thing about all the sickness flying around here.....Macie is missing a ton of therapy. Whenever she is sick I always call her therapists and give them a "heads up" that she is sick, and they generally decide to reschedule. I certainly understand, and I wish I could reschedule too!!! I'm the first to admit that a break from therapy is good sometimes, but this is getting crazy. I know she's not regressing at all, but I still feel like she's "missing out". She only has 7 months left with Early Intervention, and that makes me nervous!
Emma is so close to walking, but I think I was saying that about Macie when she was a year old. I can't for the life of me get a video of it either. I bust out the camera, and she freezes. Their love of the camera comes from my side! Emma thinks dropping things from her high chair onto the kitchen floor is great fun. I am trying to teach her to say "uh oh" when she does it. Phil and I swear she says "ah shit". Makes sense!!! I don't care if my kids talk like truck drivers, we just want them to talk.
I desperately need to get Emma her 1 year pictures, but just can't seem to find time. I know I will regret it if I don't get them. I just finally ordered the last ones that Kim did (she took them months ago)....I am a terrible Mommy.
A week from today my Mom is having some pretty major surgery. If you read this blog could you please say a prayer for her. We appreciate it!
She definitely has mastered "The Look".
This is how Emma looks in almost every picture I take of her. She will see the little orange light before the flash comes and she closes her eyes. Little bugger.
Never a dull moment with "The Face". She found lots of enjoyment in playing in the bathroom sink.
Emma LOVES her new baby, and pack and play from Uncle Joe, Auntie Sam, and Joey!
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