I was going to go on a blogging frenzy today, but then I snapped back to reality. I already take a whole day to do a blog so how I thought I could do a whole bunch today is beyond me.
So....this post is going to be a lot of random things from the past week or so.
The most exciting news first- Macie will be starting school pretty much the day after her third birthday. I was worried she would have to wait almost a whole year since she misses the cut off. Because she is receiving services through Early Intervention, she is qualified to start the day after she turns three. Macie's developmental therapist also told me that the preschool Macie will be going to is amazing. I also found out we are in district 204 which is awesome. I thought for some reason we were in 203. 203 is good too, but the preschool in 204 is WAY better.
Since meeting with the nutritionist for Macie, she has been dairy free for a week and a half. I think she is more focused, more talkative, her frustration level has gone WAY down, she's had solid poops, and her meltdowns are just "normal" two year old fits. I can't help but think that she has an intolerance to dairy and it makes her feel crummy. I know when I don't feel good I am in a horrible mood. So her tummy hurting coupled with not being able to tell us what's bothering her makes it very difficult around here!
When the snow started on Tuesday Macie seemed very curious about it. She has not been a fan of going outside to play in the cold and snow. I believe a majority of the problem is having all the clothes on to go outside. Yesterday we decided to give it a shot, and get her outside. We bundled her up quickly and headed outside. At first she was not happy about having all the gear on, but I got her outside, put her on her sled, and she had a blast. She rode around on the sled for a bit, but then was curious about all the snow and wanted to walk around in it. I was so annoyed....I got the camera out to take pictures, and the batteries died. She looked so cute!

Emma has her first ear infection. She had a little cold all of last week. No fever, just a lot of boogs, coughing, and sneezing. She was a little fussy, and not eating much of her bottles for a few days. She is never fussy unless she's hungry or wet so I thought something was up. She was also waking up every night at 10:30 and fussing. I decided to call the Dr. before the big storm hit because I was sure she would get worse when we were not able to leave the house. Good thing we took her in since she does have an ear infection. It's not bad, but they did prescribe antibiotics. I'm rather certain we will be contacting the show Intervention because Emma LOVES her meds. When I take it out of the fridge she gets giddy, and I can not get it to her mouth fast enough. Yuck! After a few days of crack... I mean antibiotics......she is almost back to her old self. I also realize that I really took her disposition for granted. She is such a good baby, and so laid back.

We are almost finished painting. It's very hard to paint with two little ones running around. We have to keep doing it in small spurts. The living room is done, and now we just have the stairway and hallway upstairs to do. I love the color, but now that it's almost done I am wondering if it's too dark. I'll just have to get more lighting for the living room maybe to brighten it up a bit. Now to decide what, and where to hang stuff on the walls. Phil got a wall mount for our TV so that will be first to go up. Have a feeling our girls will be learning some colorful words when we put that up!

Naps have been rather interesting around here lately for both Macie and Emma. I'm not gonna lie, I need them to nap. I need them to nap for my own sanity, to get things done around here, and if they nap that equals a less crabby kid at the end of the day. I think they are both in "transition". Macie could go without a nap, and I think she would be ok. She gets a bit cranky by 6pm if she doesn't have one, but it's not always unbearable. I still have her nap pretty much everyday because I think with all the therapy she needs to "rest" her body and her mind. Most days she will play in her room for an hour before finally passing out. Emma was on the two nap schedule- one at 9am, and one at 1pm. Now she isn't tired until 10am, and when I do put her down for the AM nap, she only sleeps about 45 min. to an hour. Her PM naps are around 1:30ish, but it takes her FOREVER to fall asleep. Yesterday she had one nap around 12:30, she slept until about 2:30, but was pretty cranky and tired around 6:00. So the transition for both of them is confusing me a bit, and I am thinking about dreadlocks since showering is getting challenging as well. I would love to put both of them in their rooms to play and then go shower, but I can't. Macie has pretty much destroyed her room. She has chewed most of her books, and is slowly snacking on her blinds. She moves furniture and toys to make step stools so she can climb on her dresser. I can't really enjoy a shower when I am afraid she's going to fall and break her neck, or choke on a page from Goodnight Moon! I did get a shower in today since Phil was home in the morning. Macie just fell asleep finally, and guess who's up from her AM nap? Again....I am not gonna lie, an "are you freaking serious?" came out of my mouth when I heard Emma turn on her crib toy to signal she's up! I don't remember when Macie transitioned to just one nap a day, but I do know it wasn't this early! I swear Emma just looked straight into the camera and said "I know you know I'm up, and you better come get me." Ok, maybe she just said it with her eyes.
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