Happy Birthday little one. You are a year old today, and I just can't quite wrap my brain around it yet. One year ago today I was getting ready to go to a routine Dr. appointment to hear your little heart beat, and check things out. I had been having contractions for a few days, and just knew you were trying to make your debut. I found out at that appointment that we were going to meet you in 4 days if you didn't decide to come on your own. You must have sensed my excitement to meet you because you only waited a few hours to really make your presence known. I called Daddy, and told him he should head home since I was pretty sure we would be heading to the hospital shortly.
Even though we had been through this before, it was different, and exciting. We couldn't wait to meet you, and count all your fingers and toes. At 11:06pm it was time for Mommy to start pushing, and at 11:15pm you were born. You were beautiful, and perfect, and LOUD!!!!
You definitely wanted everyone to know you were here, and that hasn't changed a bit!!! I was able to hold you immediately, and it was love at first sight!
This year just seemed to go so fast. Before we knew it you were rolling over, crawling, babbling, standing, and now trying to walk. It's so fun to watch you grow, but it just seems to happen so fast and I wish I could bottle it.
You have been such a joy in our lives this past year. We can't wait to see what the next year brings!!!
Love you "Little's"
1 comment:
1 year ago I watched you come into the world and you've made that world so much more fun! Happy Birthday from Papa & I - We love you!
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