I haven't done a whole lot of updating on Macie lately, but not much has changed. Well....I guess I can't really say that. If I were to do my own assessment of her I would say that she is just about caught up socially/emotionally with a 2 year old. She has the "throw yourself on the ground" tantrums, she goes limp when I try to pick her up to take her somewhere she doesn't want to go. She says "no" a lot, and shakes her head no. She tests me every minute of every day. She understands what SHE wants to understand, and complies with what SHE feels like complying with. I'm sure you get the idea here.
If she were talking, we might be in big trouble. She listens and hears everything I say. Every once in a while she will pick out a word in story I am telling someone else and repeat that word.
She follows directions very well, hands me things she knows she's not supposed to have, she will bring Emma her binky when she's upset, she puts her toys away when I ask, she gets "the look" from me and stops doing whatever it is that she's up to at that moment. She's very smart, she's silly, adorable, loving, and fun. She just doesn't talk. Everyone is stumped....we don't know if she is just choosing not to talk, or it's that she can't. She has words.....around 25 at least, she just doesn't use them consistently, or in sentences. She did say "tickle tickle" to me this morning because she wanted me to chase her around and tickle her. It seems to me if we can suffer (errrr ummmm.....I mean wait out) the whining, she says what she wants. It's tough to do, but we are getting better at it. She throws her fit, we keep repeating things to her and sometimes, eventually she'll say something like "apple, cracker, cookie, buhyardgans". Then I say "good god Macie, can you just talk like a big girl and we don't have to go through all that?" I think she gets what I'm saying, but it's the "limit testing". She would rather whine and cry, and get her way rather than just ask.
Anyway.....she's coming along, she's making progress still. She is most certainly a 2 year old in many aspects!!!!
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