I'm so sorry I am late posting this. All of us have been very sick the past few days, and there isn't much time to sit and blog right now. It all started with Macie on Monday night. She woke up throwing up, and it's been downhill for all of us ever since. Mommy was pretty much in bed all day yesterday. Daddy took most of the day off to take care of you and your sister since I couldn't function. During lunch, you projectile vomited your entire meal. That's when the fun started! You've been sick since. I never imagined how difficult it would be to see you and your sister so sick. It brought me to tears a few times, and made me feel helpless.
It's so hard to believe you are 10 months old already. Time is just flying by. You are so busy learning and exploring. You are pulling yourself up on everything you can, and surfing all the furniture like a pro. Most of the time you are just curious what your sister is doing. I have seen you let go of things a few times and stand on your own. You have also taken a few steps on your own, but with the help of your hippo walker. You are trying to stand up from a sitting position, but can't quite do that yet. I think it's just a matter of time before you are walking. Grandma has threatened to tie your shoelaces together, and I am starting to think that's not such a bad idea.
You watch, and imitate everything your sister does. It's not always a good thing. Macie taught you how to take the gate down at the bottom of the stairs and climb up the stairs.
You are so laid back like your Daddy. Nothing really bothers you except a wet diaper and an empty tummy. You are still very cuddly which I adore. If I sit on the floor you come flying over to climb up on my lap and give me a hug. You are giving kisses, but the open mouth drooly ones.....still adorable!
It's so hard to believe we will be celebrating your 1st birthday in two months!
Love you to pieces little one!
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