Macie has started speech therapy. Not much to report on that since the speech therapist is just kind of getting to know her. The developmental therapist was here on Monday and did some "sensory therapy" with her, and she did awesome. She brought a bin of soy beans and Macie played with them for over 1/2 hour. She then moved on to playdoh and did really well. She was kind of freaked out by the texture of it at first, but ended up playing with it for quite a while. I am going to have to get the recipe for it from the therapist. It was purple and smelled like grapes. I am shocked

Macie had a couple pretty rough days last week, and over the weekend. We are messing around with her diet and trying a bunch of different things. She's been really great the past two days.....more herself. We took the girls to the park after dinner last night and Macie had a ball on the playground. Usually she just wanders away and plays on the sand volleyball court, or walks around on the sidewalks. She was climbing, going down the slides, etc. She also approached every kid there and babbled to them. She actually reached out and touched a little girls hand, almost like she was asking her to play. She chased some boys around and yelled at them. Most of you know, that is HUGE for Macie. Yesterday I gave Macie her snack trap with some crackers in it while I was making dinner. She wandered off with it, came back a while later with the snack trap empty. She put it up on the counter and did the sign for "more". I'm so proud!!!
I don't have any recent pictures to post right now, but should have some soon.
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