My Little Em-

You were 4 months old yesterday. The day got away from me so I apologize for not typing this yesterday. It seems like time is flying by now. I have to admit that time seemed to stand still before you started sleeping through the night. The sleepless nights were really getting to us. Not that we didn't love spending that time with you, but it's hard to function after a while when only getting a few hours of sleep a night. You are now sleeping 10-12 hours a night, and we are very thankful for that.
As I sit here typing this you are laying next to me. You are "chatting", giggling, smiling, blowing bubbles, and grabbing at anything within your reach. You have grown so much lately. You are now eating 6-8 oz. at a time, but your feedings have become more frequent as I am sure you are going through a major growth spurt right now. You are finally wearing your 3-6 months clothes. I have to say that I am loving this warm weather because I can dress you in all the cute clothes you have and see the chub on your little arms and legs.
You are pretty easy going for the most part. You are very tolerant of your sister climbing on and around you. You love watching her run around inside and outside. You love when I read books to you. You look at the pictures like you fully understand what I am reading to you. You LOVE being talked to and get a little upset when someone is not talking to you all the time. You are going through a little phase where Mommy and Daddy are really the only ones that you want to talk to you or hold you. That gets a little hard since we can't hold you all the get pretty mad.
We started giving you oatmeal last week. You seem to enjoy it, but don't eat a lot of it. I mixed in some bananas yesterday and was surprised to find out that you're not too excited about them. You spit most of it out. I don't get it since I have tried the plain baby oatmeal, and it's not very good. It has to taste better with the banana in it. You did enjoy peas the other day. That happens to be Macie's favorite so I am no too surprised that you love them too.
We're pretty sure you are going to pop some pearly whites through your gums pretty soon. You want to chew on everything and you are drooling like a rabid dog. We've gone into the "bib" stage. We have to have one on you all the time or you will soak your clothes with drool. I'm not a fan of the bib stage so if you could bust those teeth through soon, we would appreciate it very much!!!
Happy 4 months sweet baby. Every time I look at you, you smile and it warms my heart!!!
I love you!
1 comment:
Happy 4 month birthday, Emma! You are a sweetheart and always make us smile!
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