Thursday, June 17, 2010

Celebrating the small (big to us) things

Macie has had a good week. She is now almost full force with therapy. She has occupational therapy on Mondays, developmental on Tuesdays, speech will start on Wednesdays next week, and a social worker coming in once a month.
Right now all the therapists are just getting to know Macie and letting her get to know them. They bring toys for her and just let her come to them. She gets nervous and upset most of the time when they first get here, but I can't help but think this has to be awful confusing for her.
We try to bring her to as many "functions" as we can, but it's hard. She tends to get overwhelmed after about an hour or two and we have to leave. Breaks my heart that this happens, but we are hoping in time that we can spend some more time with family and friends at their houses......
Macie has done some really great things in the past few weeks. Some may take them for granted, but these are huge milestones for Macie and we are so proud.
She is a bit more nurturing to Emma. She has wiped her mouth with a bib, given her her binky back, and when Emma was crying today Macie brought a cup to her and tried to give her a drink.
She did most of the work tonight when putting on her jammies.
She is becoming more verbal. Her consistent words/phrases are: all done, get down, gabba gabba, more, pool, ball.
She says "pool" when I am putting her suit on.
She is attempting to put her shoes on herself.
She is getting better at listening when I say "no mouth, come here, lay down, sit down, lunchtime (she comes in the kitchen and tries to get in her chair), etc.
When she is attempting to do something she looks at us to make sure it's ok. She is making great eye contact with us.
She has mastered climbing the slide in our yard and going down on her butt and her tummy.
She really seems to be making some good progress and we can't wait to see what the next few months will bring.
She will now look at the camera when I ask her to, but the flash bugs her. all the pictures I get of her, she has her eyes closed. There is kind of a warning light that goes on and she knows the flash is soon to follow so she closes her eyes in anticipation.
I know there are so many more things she as done lately that just excite the heck out of me, but I won't bore anyone with all of them and I can't think of anymore at the moment.
One more thing.....
She is very tidy. She puts her toys away when we ask her (and show her), she always very carefully places her sippy cup on a table when she is done. She slides her plate or bowl away when she is done eating- it's so cute!

1 comment:

Diane said...

Yay Macie - This little sweetheart is going to be fine . . . I have no doubts!