Saturday, April 10, 2010

Macie's Day

Phil dropped Emma off at my parents this morning so we could spend the day with Macie. She's having a rough time adjusting to Emma being around so we thought a day with just her would be good. We had lunch first and then headed over to the Morton Arboretum. It was absolutely beautiful out today. They have a children's garden there where the kids can just run around and explore different things. Macie was most interested in the running around part. She did some exploring with dirt and she seems to like the taste. It was so crowded and kind of difficult to let her roam free, the big kids had little regard for the little kids. She still had a blast walking around, and just being outside. They have a "hedge garden maze" that she really enjoyed. She was just a tad taller than the top of the hedges so you could just see the top of her head wandering around, it was so cute. We left after a few hours and my parents treated us to dinner. Macie was beat by the end of the day. She really had a good time, and I think it was quite a treat for her to have Mommy and Daddy all to herself for the day. Thanks Grandma and Papa!!!

1 comment:

Gayle said...

So glad you had a fun day!