Wednesday, April 14, 2010

A couple of great days, and parenting at it's finest!

Yesterday I dropped Emma off at my parents and took Macie to the zoo. I met Susie and Jaden there. We had a blast. Macie spent some time with the goats in the children's zoo. She was way more interested in the ones that you weren't supposed to go near. They had an area where some were "resting" and Macie kept trying to climb in there. At one point she was surrounded by three goats, they had her cornered. One of them head butted her and knocked her over. She couldn't have cared less, never looked back at it...nothing. She just kept on going after she got up. She really enjoyed the Sea Otter. It was swimming around right at eye level for her.
Today it was beautiful out. I took Macie and Emma for a walk. It took us way longer to go on the walk since Macie had to stop every time a car, bus, or truck went by and wave to them. She would wave and say "hi". Sadly, the school bus drivers were very unfriendly and wouldn't wave back. She got a few honks from some guy on motorcycles. She also was a big helper and was pushing Emma in the stroller.
I only got two pictures at the zoo. It's way too hard to keep up with Macie and try to snap pictures, but I got a super cute one of Jaden.

Now this is parenting at it's finest....

I was trying to get the girls ready for our walk and Emma needed to be fed and Macie needed her snack NOW!!! So, prop the bottle up for Emma, and give Macie her snack- saves time and they are both content!

Just a few cute pictures to add:

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