Macie had her first trip to the ER yesterday. I was gathering things up at my parents house so I could just quickly load the kids in the car and get going before rush hour. I walked away for a few seconds and Macie fell out their back door, down some concrete stairs, and landed on the patio....face down. I have never felt so awful, or scared in my entire life. Everything was in slow motion. I had that horrible gut feeling that something bad happened and when I didn't see her standing by the door, I freaked. I rushed to pick her up (which I am sure you're not supposed to do- but she was motionless and face down....I just wanted to get to her), I turned her over and her face had blood on it, and was scratched in places. I got her inside and cleaned some of it off. As I am doing it, I can see that she's starting to form a bruise on her forehead. I literally saw it coming to the surface, but it wasn't swelling up at all. I just decided I should probably take her to the ER and let a rational person (clearly not me) tell me that she's fine. They checked her over, gave her some graham crackers, let her calm down a bit and kept her there for about 2 hours to observe her. The Dr. offered to do a CAT scan, but felt if I just watched her closely and woke her every 2-3 hours in the night, she should be fine. We decided not to do it since he told me that they would have to "tape her down, and the radiation from it is like getting 175 x-rays". No thanks!
So, as soon as Daddy showed up and she got some grub and her blankie (Papa had to bring it to her since her IDIOT Mommy forgot it- the ONE thing that calms her down in any situation and I forgot it), she was laughing, running around and goofing around. It just looks like it hurts. She basically has a goose egg and road rash....ouch. Bad Mommy. Lesson learned. Now she really is "The Face". My poor baby!
THEN after her bath last night I emptied the tub and filled it up again for Emma's bath. I came downstairs and there was water on the kitchen counter. I looked up above the cabinets and there was a big hole in the ceiling and water was dripping out of it. It's quite interesting since the drywall came out of the ceiling in a perfectly square piece. Looks to me like the person that lived in this shit hole before us did a temporary fix on it and over time it just gave out!!! Unreal. Now there is water damage to the ceiling, walls, cabinets, etc. Wonder if I can get new cabinets out of the deal? Doubt it. What a mess.

Hang in there mamma! Miss Macie still looks happy as a clam, even with road rash.
I feel so bad about this!!!! I know you say not to, but look at that sweet little face. It only makes sense that Ryan would be the cause of this since we are always saying that we cannot believe he hasn't been in the ER with a broken bone of some kind yet - why not be the cause of someone else's injury then.
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