My Sweet Emma-
You are two months old already, and I can't believe it. Your Daddy and I are just smitten with you and we could stare at you all day. Actually we are able to do that since you don't sleep very much!!! I keep telling myself that it's because you want to be with me 24/7. I do think that is part of it, but the other part is the fact that you take FOREVER to eat. You are such a little peanut. You don't eat very much, but you sure take your sweet time doing it. I have to have Daddy do your last feeding of the night. For some reason if I do it you fall asleep while eating, but the minute I put you down you're ready to party. If Daddy feeds you and puts you down, you sleep like a champ. You still are not sleeping through the night and that doesn't seem to be something that is going to happen anytime soon. I pray nightly for that day!!! You are still wearing mostly newborn clothes. It's cute and all, but you have quite a wardrobe that I am dying to put you in. I'm getting a tad bored with all the sleepers you live in. You have to live in the sleepers since your feet are so teeny tiny. There are no shoes, booties, or socks that stay on your feet. So.....you need to start eating more and maybe you'll grow out of newborn clothes and sleep longer.
You have already rolled over from your tummy to your back. There aren't really any milestones to speak of this past month, but you sure do love to smile. You love when anyone talks to you. You react like you know exactly what we are saying. You love your play mat and the swing. As I type this, you are going on your 5th hour of sleep in it. It's great that you can sleep that long, but we prefer you do it when we sleep!!! You are "talking" more now that you feel better. You are so much more aware of your surroundings, you reach for toys on your play mat and the fish that hang from your swing. You are trying so hard to flip over on your tummy that you spin yourself around in your crib and end up on your side. I don't have the heart to tell you that it's going to be a while before you master that task. I keep thinking you'll wear yourself out trying, but you don't.
Your big sister has accepted that fact that you are not just a temporary visitor. I think she gets frustrated that you can't play with her and she doesn't quite understand why. She does a drive by every once in a while and pats your head. She brought you a binky today without my even asking, it was so cute. You were eating and she very gently placed it on your tummy and then went about her business. She loves you, she's just having a hard time adjusting. Macie is very sensitive to a lot of noise and chaos. You screamed so much for the first month and 1/2 that I think it stressed her out a bit. You are much more quiet now that you're feeling better so she's coming around.
I love that we are a family of four now. You were the last piece to our puzzle, and we couldn't be more happy. I can't wait to see what the next few months, years, decades have in store.
Love you munchkin,