Saturday, April 4, 2009

It had to happen sometime.......

My little munchkin is ill. I took her out of the carseat yesterday and she was more warm than normal (she's always warm in there with the Bundle Me). I took her temp. and it was 101.3 (not that high, but high enough for me to worry a bit). I decided I would wait a bit and take it again just to make sure she wasn't just overheated from the seat. Took it again about 45 min. later and it was the same. So, she officially has experienced her first illness. She woke up fussy this morning and her cute little face was plastered with boogers!!! Hoping it's just a minor cold and something a little tylenol will take care of.

"You have to put that thermometer where?"

I know, not a very exciting post....I haven't had much material to work with this week!


Kristi said...

Baby's first cold is the worst! Jaden had his at 3 months. I was so worried. But he was fine after the first day. Hope she's better!

Michelle said...

Thanks Kristi. We did end up taking her to the ER that night. I was afraid she was dehydrated, thank god she wasn't. I was too paranoid to not take her in.