My Dearest Macie,
7 months? I can't believe it, and I can't believe how time is flying by. I am trying to cherish every moment of every month because you just grow so fast. Your Daddy and I were putting you in jammies the other night. I had handed them to Daddy, and when I looked over at him, he was trying really hard to stretch them to fit you, but they didn't even make it to your ankles. I think Daddy was in denial that you had grown that much. He told me I must have shrunk them, but I had already washed and dried them!!! Sadly, that day I had packed away another two boxes of clothes that you had grown out of. It's so sad to pack all those cute outfits away knowing I won't be putting them on you again. Your Aunt Sam had gotten you two really cute summer outfits, I had taken the tags off, washed them, and put them away. I was worried as you were getting older that they weren't going to fit since the weather is not cooperating. I got you in one of them the other day and it was adorable on you. I can't wait to dress you up in all your summer clothes. I was able to put you in the cute Mickey Mouse short outfit that Grandma and Papa got you at Disney, and the outfit that Katie and Colin got you. The shirt is so cute on you!!

This is only for the audio, so turn up your sound.
7 months? I can't believe it, and I can't believe how time is flying by. I am trying to cherish every moment of every month because you just grow so fast. Your Daddy and I were putting you in jammies the other night. I had handed them to Daddy, and when I looked over at him, he was trying really hard to stretch them to fit you, but they didn't even make it to your ankles. I think Daddy was in denial that you had grown that much. He told me I must have shrunk them, but I had already washed and dried them!!! Sadly, that day I had packed away another two boxes of clothes that you had grown out of. It's so sad to pack all those cute outfits away knowing I won't be putting them on you again. Your Aunt Sam had gotten you two really cute summer outfits, I had taken the tags off, washed them, and put them away. I was worried as you were getting older that they weren't going to fit since the weather is not cooperating. I got you in one of them the other day and it was adorable on you. I can't wait to dress you up in all your summer clothes. I was able to put you in the cute Mickey Mouse short outfit that Grandma and Papa got you at Disney, and the outfit that Katie and Colin got you. The shirt is so cute on you!!

You didn't have any developmental "firsts" this month, but unfortunately you did have your first trip to the ER. We had missed your cousin Joey being Baptized because you were under the weather. By that evening, we were both exhausted. You had cried all day, had a fever, you were tugging at your ear, and you definitely won the contest for yucky diapers that day. You weren't eating as much as normal, and I was worried that you might be dehydrated. Daddy and I woke you up and took you to the hospital in a blizzard and it turns out that you were fine....just a little cold, and maybe some type of stomach virus. I have to tell you, my stomach did flips when they mentioned they might have to give you an IV to replenish some lost fluids!!! You were so good there and all the nurses were loving you and you sure ate it up! You smiled and laughed when they came over to see you. You did cry when the big mean Dr. was digging in your ear with something that resembled a crochet hook, or a dental tool. That made me very nervous, and I had to look away several times while Daddy held you down for that big, mean Dr. Sorry I ditched you in that traumatic moment.
I was hoping this month that a "Mama, Dada, Baba" would make it's way out of your cute little lips. Not gonna happen anytime soon!!! We say them to you and you laugh like you are holding out on us (Daddy is trying to get you to say "Mama Mia" and that's quite funny). You little stinker!!! You are much more vocal this past month. You yell all the time and it's mostly just because you are having a good time. You also don't hesitate to let us know when you are ready to eat, or be changed. I think we might be in trouble when you start talking. I took a little video of one of your many "loud moments". I know, you can't see anything on the video since we had the lights out, but I did it for the audio, not the video. You were in your jumparoo and having such a good time.
This is only for the audio, so turn up your sound.
You are paying a lot more attention to Otis these days. You got a hold of his lip the other day and pulled it so hard I shuddered a little. Otis didn't budge, he just sat there and took it. Then you decided since the lip thing went so well that you would grab a hold of his floppy ear and practically hang from it. Again, he didn't flinch. He loves you a lot and always wants to give you kisses. Sometimes you laugh, and other times you make a face like you are disgusted. I've smelled his breath so I can understand the disgust. He lays by you all the time and just watches you play and it's so adorable. Can't wait until you two are running around the yard together.
You have been such a "Momma's girl" lately and I am LOVING IT!!! You cuddle with me all the time, and it seems that right now you will only allow Mommy to put you to bed. Daddy is able to, but you put up a little bit of a fight. Maybe that's because I am all business (bath, book, rock, crib) when it's bedtime and Daddy is the "fun guy" when it comes to bedtime, and you want to play more. Today you cuddled a lot with Daddy and he was loving it too!
You have a new BFF, we'll call her Stella (that's what we called you in Utero) I think. She is the softest stuffed bunny I have ever felt. Your Auntie Gayle, Uncle Mark, Kate and Ryan gave it to you for Easter and you won't go to sleep without it now. You rub Stella against your face, you knead her, pet her, and then wrap your arm around her as you fall asleep....precious! I of course, got a video of you kneading her the other night. I am still not comfortable with having anything in your crib when you sleep so, the other night I THOUGHT you were sound asleep, I very carefully slipped Stella out from under your arm and you FREAKED. I've learned to leave Stella with you a little longer from now on, and then I sneak in later and take her out after you have moved.
We've had a few nice days this past month and Mommy and Daddy try to get you outside whenever we can. You love going for walks, and you love hanging out in the backyard. We put down a blanket for you and bring out some of your favorite toys. I think you could play out there for hours. You think it's hilarious when Otis howls and runs around like a mad man. Mommy and Daddy aren't as amused by it!!!
We have just as much fun inside too. Since we are the only ones here, I have to take pictures of us myself. They always turn out horrible, but it's fun anyway!!
You are so close to crawling, we'll see what the next couple of weeks brings!!
Happy 7 Months Macie Face. Mommy and Daddy love you so much!!!
Happy 7 month birthday, Macie. Every day you are cuter and happier than you were the day before. You need to stop being so serious when we all bring out the cameras. Oh, and the "crawling thing" . . . . You can hold off on that for a little while, okay?
Love from Grandma & "Papa."
Happy Birthday Macie,
Seven Months already? I can't hardly believe you are that old already! You are so sweet and adorable and very very loved. Your cousin Kate is totally in love with you and talks about you all the time when she is not with you. On the days you are going to be at Grandma and Papa's all Ryan can say is See Macie Face, See Macie Face. I'm so glad that you and Kate and Ryan all get to spend so much time together and are growing up together!
I can't wait to see what the next month brings.
Happy Birthday Sweetie!
Love, Auntie Gayle
How sweet are you with the Stella! I am so glad you love her so much. She is almost as cute as you are!
Auntie Gayle
Michelle, you are so good with your updates -- I just need to remember to check the site more often. Then I would have known it was Macie Rose's 7th month birthday -- Happy Belated Birthday!
Auntie Lynne
That Stella "kneading" kinda reminds me of someone who used to twirl their hair to fall asleep, granted you were like 10 at the time so not quite as adorable as Macie and her bunny. This brought tears, so sweet and so awesome that you share it all with us!
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