Tuesday, June 28, 2011

More random than ever!

I seriously can not come up with anything even remotely interesting to blog about lately.  Guess that could be good, and bad.  I also can't find more than 10 minutes to sit down and type.  For that reason, I have to do these "random" posts.  So here goes the spilling of the contents of my brain:

Phil got shit on by a bird yesterday.  It's never happened to him in his life, and I thought it was rather amusing.  It wasn't your average white variety bird shit either.  It was the purplish black variety that stains light colored cars, and makes you wonder what that bird was eating that day.  It got him on his shoulder!  You couldn't really see the damage until he took his shirt off and it stained his shoulder.....gross.  I hosed him down with some antibacterial soap, and he was good as new. 

We went to the Zoo on Saturday morning for a few hours.  Emma loved it, Macie was content to run around, climb, and people watch.  For some reason we thought it would be a good idea to stop for lunch on our way home.  Long story short- after getting stares from everyone in the restaurant, and Macie having a colossal meltdown in the parking lot, we got our food to go.  I guess we thought the girls would miraculously not be tired when they sat down at the restaurant- BIG FAIL.  Macie was so out of control that some lady felt the need to bring her a giant stuffed animal.  Phil was in the process of getting his ass kicked by Macie, only to have her get more out of control at the sight of this thing.  She freaked when the lady brought it over.  Can you blame her?  Scary!

I am feeling some serious guilt right now.  A little while ago Macie went down for her nap, and I had some very rare alone time with Emma.  We played catch, played with every single toy she has, we danced, chased each other around, laughed, and even had a little cuddle time.  She is just so much fun, she's so smart, and so very happy.  I feel like she really gets put on the "back burner" a lot.  Macie's therapies take up a lot of our time.  If Macie is not having therapy, the girls are napping.  This leaves no time for us to get out and let her play with other kids her age.  It's also impossible for me to take them both out anywhere by myself.  It sounds pathetic, but I can't handle Macie a lot of time by myself, let alone if Emma is with us.  It's really quite sad.  I would love to put her in daycare a few days a week, but we all know how expensive that is.  I quit my job to spend more time with Macie.  Without the extra income there is just no way to put her in daycare.  She needs to be around other kids.  Macie pays ZERO attention to Emma except to steal a toy, or a graham cracker from her.  Emma takes it pretty well, but I am so afraid that she will be hesitant to approach other children thinking they are all like Macie.  In a couple of months Macie will be in school, and I think we'll have to look into getting Emma into something while Macie is in school.

Macie is doing well in therapy.  She's still making great progress, just not in the talking department.  It's extremely frustrating for everyone!  You can tell that she has so much to say.  She'll get really excited, get up in your face and just not be able to form the words to tell us what she is thinking.  It breaks my heart.  She woke up crying from a nap the other day, and I have no idea what was wrong.  She didn't want me near her, but yet she didn't want me to leave her room.  I don't know if she was scared, if she didn't feel good....I had no idea!  I have been worrying a lot lately that she may never talk.  We're still trying to get another evaluation scheduled for her.  It's hard since she will be aging out of Early Intervention in September.  We wanted to take her to Alexian Brothers, but the informed us the other day that they are booked solid for six months.  Now we are in the process of trying to get scheduled at Children's Memorial.  We don't doubt the initial diagnosis, we just don't feel comfortable with how it went.  Not only that, but it's been over three months since the evaluation at Illinois Masonic and we still don't have the report from their evaluation.  They gave us 45 minutes of their time, threw the diagnosis at us, and walked us to the door with a packet on Autism.  Guess I'm not surprised they haven't sent the full report yet! 

On to more fun things with Macie:  she discovered her shadow a few weeks ago, it was hilarious!  I don't believe she knows it's her shadow, she just thought it was funny and couldn't figure out why it was following her.  She kept trying to get away from it.  She's great at matching things.  She will go through her entire toy box to find a matching item for her Mrs. Potato Head (ears, purses, tongue, wings, etc.).  I am pretty sure she would be able to count to at least 10 if she could speak.  She points to things while I am counting them.   She escaped from her room the other morning (we have a gate in front of her door for her safety).  She let us sleep, went downstairs and tried to turn the TV on herself.  When she couldn't do it, she came back upstairs, climbed in our bed and handed us the remote!

Creepy right?

1 comment:

Chicago Mom (Heather) said...

Did you look into the Erickson Institute in Chicago? That's where we had Henry evaluated and they were good with giving us a full report. They also gave us the autism diagnosis after an hour with him, but it was our 2nd visit.