Friday, October 15, 2010

Random stuff and pictures

Forget the pictures part of this post, I can't upload any pictures.  Blogger is not my friend today. 

Some exciting things have been happening with Macie, she's really making some great progress.
We were outside the other day and she wandered off into the corner of the yard.  I looked over at her, she was squatting, and her face was turning red.  I said "are you going poo poo?".  I walked away and let her finish in private.  She came running up to me saying "poo poo".  Know that's not exciting for many, but it's HUGE to was the poo poo in case you were wondering!

Yesterday she climbed up on one of our tables in the living room and I said "Macie, down NOW".  She looked up at me and said "down now".  I told her "yes, thank you and good talking, now GO", and she said "go go go". 

Overall, she is just a different kid the past few weeks.  I did a post about it the other day, but her anxiety and frustration levels are so much better.  Now that she is being given the tools to deal with her sensory issues, I think she is able to focus more, and is acting more appropriate.  Make sense?

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