Friday, October 8, 2010

Emma- 8 Months

My Sweet Little Em-

You are 8 months old today, and time just seems to fly by faster every month.  It's so fun to watch you grow and learn new things everyday.  This past month has been a very busy one for you.  You are now sitting up all by yourself, and without falling over.  You can even get into a sitting position from laying down, it's so cute to watch.  The big milestone this month is that you are crawling!!!  You figured out how to go forward, and you do it by getting into a push up position and then kind of throw yourself forward.  It's very tiring so you take a break quite often and just relax on your hip.  You are so excited to be able to get to your toys all by yourself.  Your favorite toy is the ABC's Caterpillar, you love pulling it around the floor, and pressing all the letters so it will play songs.  You love books, and you LOVE when we sing to you.  Your favorite song is Old MacDonald- even when Daddy does the silly version with the monkey. 
You are such a good, easy going baby.  You never fuss when we take you places unless you're hungry.  Speaking of LOVE food.  You have tried all the fruits, and all the vegetables, you feed yourself cheerios, you drink from a sippy cup, and you hold your own bottle.  I have to say I am so happy you will hold your own bottle now.  It makes things much easier now if we are out and about, or I have to follow your sister around because she's climbing EVERYTHING.  I still love feeding you a bottle though because that's our alone time, and you are still my baby.  I'm afraid with your growing independence that we are going to have fewer alone times like that. 
You love being outside.  You sit in your saucer, or lay on a blanket and just watch the world around you.  You love watching Macie run around the yard, and you love watching Otis.  I'm curious how you are going to like snow, but I am not really looking forward to it.  We've had a great summer and we've been outside so much I hate to see it go! 
I'm trying so hard to get you to say "Mama".  You try so hard to imitate me, but the sound just won't come out.  You giggle at me when I talk to you, and you kick your feet in excitement when I sing to you.  I love this age, and I wish I could make time stand still.  I could do without the food spewing part though, I don't enjoy being painted with squash and sweet potatoes!  Because of those incidents, you clearly understand the meaning of the word "no". 
You are so sweet, adorable, funny, and mischievous.  You are very cuddly when you are sleepy, and I love our cuddle time!  I can't wait to see what's next.

I love you Em!

I giggle every time I look at this picture!

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