Saturday was Macie's first therapy session. The developmental therapist came at 9:00 that morning. She is a preschool teacher, and has a Masters in Child Development. She really just spent some time talking with Phil and I about what our expectations are from this therapy, what are concerns are with Macie, and she spent some time interacting with Macie to try and see if there were some methods that would interest her and motivate her. She cried quite a bit, I think it's a little overwhelming for her to have all these strangers in our house "messing" with her. Her next session is tomorrow at 4:00. We are trying to find a time that Macie might not be so tired and maybe a bit more receptive.
The case worker is coming by tomorrow to talk to us about seeing a Developmental/Medical Team. We also got our insurance verification so the occupational and speech therapy will probably begin very soon. Macie is scheduled for a hearing exam on Monday, June 7th. I am fairly certain that her hearing is fine, but they have to do it to rule out hearing issues that might be affecting her speech.
The social worker is coming to our house on Friday to chat with us about everything and see how we're doing with all of it.
We had an appointment with Macie's pediatrician on Friday. He was a little thrown off that we had already pursued an evaluation with Early Intervention since there weren't many concerns at her 18 month check up. I believe it was just days after seeing him that I really started putting everything together and really started getting concerned. After talking to him about our concerns, he was concerned as well. I brought up her sleeping issues and possible allergies, but he was more interested in getting her in to see a developmental pediatrician and she would determine if seeing an ENT and/or allergist was necessary. I called the Developmental Ped. to try to get an appointment. I say "tried" because anyone they see that is under 3 years old has to be enrolled in an early intervention program, and they need proof of that faxed. I called the case worker and told her that I needed verification for that. She told me a few things about this particular Dev. Ped. that changed our minds about taking Macie to her right away. The early intervention program has a Developmental "team" that they have evaluate Macie. The team consists of a Pediatrician, Neurologist, Behaviorist, and others. The other Dr. is very qualified, but it's just her and she only spends a few hours with Macie and then makes her diagnosis. I feel at this point that if Macie were to be evaluated without any intervention that she might get an incorrect diagnosis. Not sure if that makes sense to anyone else, but it makes sense to us. I would like to see Macie get some therapy for a few months and try to figure out if she just needs a push to get caught up, or if there is a bigger issue. That is the beauty of getting her into this program so early. We have time to get her some therapy and see how she responds to it.
It's so much to take in. Feels like we have so many different opinions of what is right and what is wrong for Macie. It's so hard to make such important decisions when it comes to your child. I find myself questioning if we are doing the right things and making the right decisions for her. I have decided that we just need to go with our gut. We know Macie the best, we spend the most time with her. I understand that everyone that we are dealing with is very qualified to work with Macie, but I also feel that Phil and I are the MOST qualified when it comes to the final decisions on what we do and don't have done.
So....we have decided to continue with therapy for about 3-4 months and then have her re-evaluated. At that time we will make a decision based on her progress as to whether or not we should have her evaluated by the developmental team.
Sorry this is so confusing. I re-read it and I jump around a lot. I was just trying to touch on the important stuff and keep it short, but that didn't work.
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