You have graced us with your presence for 3 whole months now. I forgot how quickly babies change at this stage so I am glad that I am pretty much never without my camera (I only forget it for very important moments and events). Not that everyday with you isn't get what I mean.
Some changes with you this past month:
You HATE tummy time and therefore we don't see much rolling over anymore.
You have enjoyed your time in the Bumbo seat (with our support since your still a bobble head right now.
You are sleeping longer at night.
Your favorite time is 4am.
You are so close to giggling and I can not wait to hear it.
Your eating habits are extremely difficult to figure out (6oz., then only 2, then 4....can we get some consistency PLEASE?).
Your reflux seems to be going away.
You do this crazy thing like you are trying to sit up, and it seems you are close to actually doing it, but I know better.
Your cheeks are getting chubby along with your thighs and I LOVE IT.
You have your Mommy and Daddy wrapped around your little finger, and you know it!
Macie is definitely warming up to you. She does things at her own pace, and I am certain that she will be smothering you with kisses in no time. She doesn't like you to have a binky. She very quietly plucks it out of your mouth and takes off with it. She doesn't want it, she gave hers up on her own around 5 months, she just doesn't think you need one either. She is trying to adjust to you using "her things". When we got the Bumbo out, she came over and smacked you while you were sitting in it. She tries to climb on the activity mat while you are on it, and subtly tries to push you off. We figure it's just a small glimpse of your teen years when you two are bickering over stealing each others clothes, purses, shoes, etc. Yikes!!!
I certainly don't want you to grow up too fast, but I am really looking forward to the two of you running around the yard, playing dress up, and just loving each other. No one has figured out how to bottle this stage so I can put it up on a shelf and revisit it once in a while. So.... I will just have to soak up every little bit, and milestone while I can.
All my love,
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