Friday, March 12, 2010

Poor Emma

Phil came up with "Macie Face", and I had high hopes that I would come up with a nickname for Emma.  Pretty much since we were in the hospital Phil keeps saying "oh, Sitting Bull".  I keep asking him why he is calling her that and he said "she looks like Sitting Bull" (she always has such a serious "stone face" going on).  We pulled up this picture. 
We MUST come up with a nickname for this poor kid....this one CAN NOT stick, she'll hate us forever (not just from 12-25 years old).  I call her Ed, but Phil's not a fan of that one.  Sometimes I call her #2, reminds Phil of poo, and she might get a complex- ya know, not being called #1!! 
Can you tell we are sleep deprived, sitting around thinking of things like this?


Katie K said...

I like ED, that's the first thing I thought of when I saw her name. So cute, tho that might cause the complex of her thinking you wanted a boy. Hmmmm.

Michelle said...

I like Ed too, but was thinking about the complex too!!!

gayle said...

Your worried about Ed giving a complex and you have side by side pictures of her comparing her to Sitting Bull :). Hysterical by the way, totally twisted - but hysterical.