Saturday, March 20, 2010

Macie-18 Months

Say what?  18 months?  It can't be true.  My "baby" is a year and a half old.  So many things have changed since the last letter post and I don't know where to start.  Just in the past two weeks so many changes have taken place with you.  You are "talking" so much more now.  We don't necessarily have any clue what you are saying most of the time, but you are quite a chatty little girl.  I just love it when you get your hands moving while talking, you are so serious and act as if what you are saying is the most important news ever.  Some new words and/or phrases you have added to your expanding vocabulary are:
Down Otie (when he's trying to eat your food)
Sssshhhhhh baby
Duck and quack (actually it's Duck a duck a duck a....qua qua)
Yo Gabba Gabba (nice huh?)
Wiggle Wiggle Wiggle Go (Yo Gabba Gabba thing again)
No no no no no
You know where everyone else's belly button is but your own
Nigh nigh (Night Night-Duh)
Nana (banana)
Go Go Go
She also signs:

I know there is quite a bit more but my brain is mush!  I told myself to write them down but I didn't-dang it.

You LOVE books and we can't read enough of them to you it seems.  You now have a bedtime ritual- Daddy goes up and starts the bath for you and gets everything set up.  I hang with you downstairs and get you undressed.  When I remove the gate from the bottom of the stairs you run to them and climb up.  When you reach the top of the stairs you get to your feet and run to your room.  You immediately go over to your bookshelf and pick out a book.  You do it with such determination and care.  You look at the books, pull some out part way, push them back until you decide the PERFECT book.  When you find it, you head to the bathroom, put the book on the toilet, and head to the tub.  It is so cute and you do it the same every night.  We MUST read you the book you so carefully selected or there is hell to pay for Mommy and Daddy.  When we read to you, you point to the pages and objects at the appropriate time.  Goodnight Moon is still your fav and Grandma and Papa replaced it because you wore it out.  The binding was falling apart, the edges are all ratty.  We still read the old one from time to time because I don't want the new one to be ruined.
The biggest event so far in your life aside from being born is becomming a big sister on February 8th.  You really couldn't care less that Emma is here.  The only time you do show interest in her is when she is borrowing one of your blankies.  You are sure to let her know that it is not hers, and she is not to use them.  I understand why you don't want her to, but I do it out of convenience since there is always one wherever you are.  You do show interest in her once in a while, and you smile and put your finger to your lips and say "ssshhhhhhh", it's adorable.  Then right after that, you make sure you yell as loud as possible.  After all, if you're not sleeping....why should Emma be.  I have no doubt that you two will be the best of friends, it's just taking you a bit to warm up to her.  I will stick up for you and say it has been difficult to warm up to her since she's having a bit of a struggle right now and cries a lot.  It gets to you after a while, especially when you are trying to catch your latest episode of the Backyardigans! 
You are growing up so fast and it's bittersweet for sure.  I want you to stay little forever, but as you grow and learn new things, it's so fun and exciting.  I know you adore being outside and the weather is getting a bit better so we will be spending a lot of time outside with you so you can explore and learn more!
18 months with you has been the best 18 months of my life!!!
I love you Face!!!


Just a little sidenote here:  I do brush my child's's out of control!  My mom trims it in the front once in a while just to keep it out of her eyes since I am not ready to get her a full out cut.  She's rocking the "business in front, party in the back"!!!  She WILL not let me put cute bows, headbands, etc. in her hair and of course when I brush it, she messes it up- cuz that's FUN!!!! 

1 comment:

Diane said...

Add "Elmo" to her vocabulary list. Okay, so it came out as "Emlo" but close enough!!!
Macie, you are the sweetest girl - We love spending time with you.
Have a feeling some of that sweetness will disappear when I try to trim your hair.