Monday, March 15, 2010

Go Emma Go!!!

Emma rolled from her tummy to her back today.  Thought it was just a fluke,  but I put her back on her tummy several times and she kept rolling over.  Think it might have a little to do with the fact that she's not a big fan of tummy time. 
Way to go Emma!
I grabbed my camera to get it on video, and when I turned the camera on...the batteries were dead- ugh.
Figures.  It's probably due to the fact that I took 100 pictures before she actually rolled over.


Gayle said...

Does she know she is only 5 weeks old? WOW!! Go Emma.

Michelle said...

I know!!! We're so proud. I think she is doing it so when Macie tries to step on her head again she can just roll away from her!

Gayle said...

Smart thinking!!