She was born on February 8th, 2010 at 11:15 P.M., 6 pounds 7 ounces and 19 1/2 inches long. She has a full head of black hair, just like Macie did. The journey began at my routine appointment that day. I was four centimeters dilated and having some pretty intense contractions the night before. I got home from the appointment and was contracting every 4-5 minutes for quite a while. I called Phil, called the Dr. and we headed over to the hospital. They put me in triage and "watched" me for about 3 hours. I was really upset that they might send me packing again. I was in a pretty significant amount of pain with the contractions and wasn't sure how I would do if they sent me home. Finally around 6:00 they decided to admit me, I was 5 centimeters and contracting regularly. I got the epidural pretty soon after they moved me. I didn't react well to it and my blood pressure went really low. They gave me some oxygen and some ephedrine to bring it back up and then pumped some liquid evil (pitocin) in me. That's when the fun started. I was having some decent contractions, but seemed to be stalling at 6 cm. for a while. Then I could tell it was almost time, I was in a lot of pain and begging for more drugs. I was almost completely dilated and having back labor so there wasn't anything they could do for me at that point. All I can say is....OUCH. I did not have anything close to the pain with Macie that I had delivering Emma. I was crying, screaming, begging the Dr. to "get her out". I actually feel a bit nauseous talking about the pain!! My Dr. pretty much told me that I experienced "natural" child birth. The epidural either wore off at the end or it just didn't "take" with me. Kudos to the women that have their children without an epidural. My mom never had one and she felt bad for me while pushing Emma out. It was quick, so I am VERY thankful for that. I was fully dilated at 11:06 and she was out at 11:15.
She is absolutely precious, and we are more in love than we thought capable! She had a rough entrance into the world which caused some pretty significant bruising all over her tiny little body. Her face was probably the worst. She also is very red. She looks like she has a sunburn. This is due to having a high red blood cell count. They have been doing all kinds of tests on her to make sure the levels are "safe", and they are. It will just take some time for her to adjust being outside. She was three weeks early and trying to regulate herself. We are hoping to take her home today with us, and it's looking pretty promising. They are checking her billirubin levels which are a concern especially with the bruising she has.
So....after all that babbling, I present to you Emma Diane Scimeca.
Welcome to the world little one. You are quite beautiful in your pictures and I cannot wait to see you in person. Your cousins are so excited you are here and Katie especially is looking forward to spoiling you rotten.
Congratulations to your mommy, daddy and big sister Macie. I know they are so very happy you are here.
Emma, you have wonderful parents and an adorable and sweet big sister. You have been born into a wonderful family full of people who will love you to pieces. You are a lucky little girl and we are lucky to have you.
Auntie Gayle
She doesn't look red or bruised to me, she looks just beautiful! Can't wait to meet her!
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