Thursday, February 11, 2010

Macie and Emma meeting for the first time.

We got home yesterday and we were really looking forward to introducing Macie to her new little sister.  It was not even close to being eventful at all!!!  Macie really couldn't have cared less that there was a new baby in the house.  The only time she cared was when we brought out the swing (you know....the one that Macie spent the first three months of her life in) and put Emma in it.  That did not fly with Macie.  She kept going over and stealing her blanket and taking off with it.  Guess that's her way of setting the boundaries.  She really doesn't even look in Emma's direction unless Emma is in the swing. 
Our first night home was very nice.  We actually had to set an alarm to get up and feed Emma.  She never cries, just kind of grunts a little when she's hungry.  She would much rather sleep through her feedings, but we obviously can't let her do that.  So, we got up twice in the night to feed her and that was that.  I'm sure things will change, but we sure are enjoying it for now.  We actually have a call in to the Dr. right now since we are a bit worried about jaundice.  She's looking a bit yellow and with all the bruising she had, they told us to keep an eye on that.  I'm trying so hard to get enough breast milk in to her to help and it's just a repeat of my struggles with Macie!!!  Errrrr. 
Anyway, Emma has been wonderful and she's just a little peanut.  She is sooooo tiny, I feel like I am going to break her!
Macie and Emma meet for the first time:

Daddy and his girls

1 comment:

Gayle said...

So funny that Macie is all territorial over the swing. I will be interested to see how she does as time goes on.

Kate had jaundice. They just had us stick her in the picture window to get sun. don't know if that helps you but I thought I would suggest it. Hopefully Emma is just fine!