After days of antibiotics and the poops, we had to take Macie back to the Dr. because she had a horrible rash. It looked like she was put in scalding hot water, like 1st degree burns- ouchie! They prescribed her something that has the feel of sand mixed in Vaseline. I felt like I was rubbing sandpaper on her raw skin, but it's working. This lovely rash appeared the same day she fell and must have bit her lip. I picked her up and there was blood coming from her little mouth. She had a little bruise/red mark on the outside of her mouth from the incident and also had a small bruise on her forehead from a minor bump a few days prior. When we took her to the Dr. she had leaked poop through her PJ's and we left the house in such a hurry that I didn't pack an extra change of clothes (of course). The Mother of the Year was in the waiting room with her two very well behaved children, and she felt the need to inform me that her diaper leaked. I was already worked up since Macie was in so much pain and she was still screaming from the pain, I just looked at the lady and said "that's why we're here, thank you" and proceeded to take Macie to change her and try to clean her up. I was sure DCFS was going to be knocking on our door that night!!!
Anyway, it seems her rough week is coming to an end (I hope) and we're all going to make it. It was just tough since this was her first REAL illness and I just felt helpless through it!!
Here are a few pictures I took of our little trooper!

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