To help her get some relief from it, I gave her a nice warm bath and then let her hang out without her diaper and she LOVED it. She played on our bed for quite a long time just happy as can be. What can I say, she's an exhibitionist. She hung out with Jack and watched some cartoons while she was airing out.
We also introduced some rice cereal to her last night. Rice cereal isn't so new to her, but eating it off a spoon was. She seemed to like it at first and then she started making faces like we were feeding her something sour. It was really cute to see the different expressions on her face while trying to figure out what to do with it once it was in her mouth. We got her all set up in her highchair and I had Phil ready with the camera. He went to take a picture/video of her and the battery died! I took some pictures/video on my phone, but the quality is horrible.
I decided to give the "solid" foods a try since she is getting teeth and just does not seem satisfied with just formula anymore. She finishes her bottle and doesn't want anymore formula and she's been waking up in the middle of the night a lot. She had a few bites of the cereal so I can't imagine that made her sleep better, but she did sleep from 8:00 to 4:00! We'll probably think about some veggies in the next few days and see how she does with those.

We just gave her a second feeding of cereal and it went soooooo much better, she loved it and Daddy got some really good pictures so stay tuned............
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