Macie Face,
Wow, what a month this has been! You have grown so much and have done so many new things, you never cease to amaze your Daddy and I. As I sit here typing this you are "talking" away and I would love to know what you are thinking and saying. You have such determination in your face and you get so serious that it has to be very important. You are so close to rolling from your back to your tummy and you get so frustrated when you can't get the bottom half of. your body to follow the top half. You have sprouted your first two teeth, one on Superbowl Sunday and the other exactly two weeks later. They have caused you some pain, but you are quite a trooper since I would imagine it's not a good feeling when they bust through your gums.

We have finally realized when you wake up in the middle of the night that we just need to go in and put your binky back in your mouth and you fall right back asleep. You are so close to finding it yourself and getting it back in your mouth. This had made for some good sleeps for Mommy and Daddy and we appreciate that very much. You have really taken quite a liking to your bedtime stories and your favorite book right now is Goodnight Moon. You listen to every word I read to you and you look back and forth at the pages when I point to things, it's so cute. My favorite part is our cuddle time after we read books. You are so active now that our cuddle time gets cut short, but at night you nuzzle up to me and grab a hold of my hand and we rock until you fall asleep. It is the best thing in the world to me and I love having that time with you. Any stresses from the day are instantly gone and I can just sit there and stare at you forever.
You are even active in your sleep. We put you down in one position and you immediately start wiggling yourself sideways and by the morning you are usually turned completely around. I love going in and getting you in the morning. I am always greeted with the biggest smile and a giggle. You are so happy!

Your cousin Joey was born on February 7th and I can't wait until you two are running around playing together. You two have a lot of similar features when I look at your newborn pictures and look at his, it amazes me. Uncle Joe and Auntie Sam let you test out Joey's Rainforest Jumparoo and you loved it. I told Grandma about it and showed her pictures and of course she jumped on the computer and ordered one up for you and your were bouncing away within days in your own. I tried to tell Grandma that you loved Joe and Sam's 42" Plasma TV too, but Grandma's too smart.....she didn't bite on that one.

I have to cherish all these moments and milestones because the come and go so fast. I know that many years from now I will become "uncool" and you won't let me rock you to sleep, or read you stories before bedtime and it makes me sad, but with that thought in mind I am able to thoroughly enjoy these precious times I have with you.
I am also convinced that you and Daddy have your own little "club" and Mommy is not allowed. If Daddy is anywhere in the vicinity, I don't exist. You just stare at him until you catch his eye and you two just talk and smile and laugh. I do love watching you two together, there is nothing more precious!
This past month we have also been experimenting with different foods. You have tried cereal, green beans, peas and carrots. We took a little break from the "solid" foods since they were not agreeing with your little tummy. When we started back up, you did just fine and you sure loved your carrots. You just kept opening your mouth really wide and leaning towards the spoon.

You had your first Valentine's Day this month. We made a giant heart shaped cookie that said "Love You Daddy" and Daddy really enjoyed it. He loves cookies! You got some cards and some new toys from Grandma and Grandpa that you really liked.
This past month was so exciting and I am looking forward to what the next month brings.
Love you!
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