Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Dreaded Post Partum Shopping Trip!!!

John and Kari's wedding is this weekend which we are really looking forward to. What I was NOT looking forward to was finding something to wear to their wedding since I just had Macie 3 1/2 weeks ago. I didn't even bother looking in my closet since I knew that would only cause some great distress for anyone who is close to me!!! So.........I decided I was going to venture out into the shopping world yesterday and try to find something presentable and CHEAP since I don't plan on fitting in it again- EVER.
On a side note: Phil, the wonderful husband that he is - has been listening to me complain about needing a haircut for weeks now (after I had Macie my hair looks awful and my skin has gone back to it's pubescent state....oh- and all my nails cracked off-what's going on??? You need to be preggo to have nice hair, skin and nails? I am still taking my vitamins too!) so he called and made an appointment so I could get my haircut. Planned on getting my haircut and then I would swing by the house and pick him and Macie up to go shopping (I hear a "Halloween scream" every time I say that word). Mind you, I warned Phil that this shopping trip may involve a lot of colorful four letter words and some tears and a lot of "how did I let myself get this way's" and "I'm so fat's". He still wanted to go. Now I know why.....after about 10 minutes of looking around at some dresses Macie starts grunting and squeaking. This is not entirely unusual, but I made sure she was fed and changed before we left since that usually gets a good 2 hours of sleep in her. The grunting and squeaking is slowly getting louder and she is getting red in the face. Now, she's full out screaming (never does this unless her GURD's is acting up) so I pick her up out of the stroller and realize she's had a blowout in her diaper. Daddy's on it- he takes her to the restroom and changes her. When they were done I could still hear her screaming on the other side of the store. So, I go into Mommy Panic Mode and try on a dress that I ran across, show Phil....he says "it looks great"....I am not crazy about it but it will work and we are off to the register to pay with screaming Macie. We load her in the car and she stops crying pretty soon after and now that my mind isn't racing anymore I start thinking about THE DRESS. I'm starting to hate THE DRESS and starting to think that Daddy and Macie had this whole thing planned so that I would not take so long looking for something to wear....good plan and it worked. So now I have this dress that I am not liking too much and have no idea what to wear with it. I am so pasty white that I have to wear nylons/tights with the dress AND...what shoes???? Oh god, WHAT SHOES???? Not again......

1 comment:

Samantha Scimeca said...

he he he! Well what's the dress look like?