I feel like I am slacking with the posts lately, but for a very good reason, I just don't have as much time to do the posts. Macie is really growing fast and she is staying awake for longer periods of time. The past week was filled with us reading books, tummy time, and playing on her jungle play mat. Her reactions to things are becoming more obvious and we don't write a smile off to gas. She is clearly smiling at us and let me tell you, every time Macie looks into our eyes and a smile appears on her face our hearts grow bigger- there is nothing better. I didn't think it was possible to love her more than I do, but when she smiles at me it is possible to find more love in my heart! Watching her with Daddy is amazing. She just stares at him when he is holding her- she adores her daddy and vice versa.
She has a new squeal when she's excited. It comes out most when she is on her play mat and a particular song comes on that she's fond of. She starts doing the bicycle with her legs and her hands start waving around and she squeals in delight. Can't wait to see what next week brings.

1 comment:
And the love doesn't ever stop growing. I am sometimes overwhelmed by how much I love my babies. It is amazing isn't it?
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