NOT ME...that's for sure.
Obviously I have yet to put up a post about Macie's first Christmas. We have been crazy busy with the Holidays and I just haven't had time to sit down and spend time on putting a post together. I promise it will be up soon.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
Macie is 8 years old and is non verbal. She has autism. We recently were given an opportunity to get a service dog to help her. His name is Wrigley and they are amazing together. I am blogging to stop clogging up facebook with my posts. :0)
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Macie has rolled over from her tummy to her back twice so far- once for mommy and once for daddy and hasn't done it again. We've been trying to get her rolling over on video but she just doesn't seem to want to do it again right now. We got a cute video of her during tummy time. Excuse my annoying voice in the background.
What the heck????
I was trying to keep this blog "Family Friendly" much for that!!! Phil just went in to Macie's Guestbook link and there is an advertisement above the comments that says.......
"Meet Gay Grandpa's" "Find Local Gay Grandpa's". Interesting!!! Guess they have to keep this blogging thing free with something.................too funny!
"Meet Gay Grandpa's" "Find Local Gay Grandpa's". Interesting!!! Guess they have to keep this blogging thing free with something.................too funny!
Macie and Aslynn Meet
We went over to the Breagels last night for a visit. We got to see my friends Ray, his wife Dawn, their daughter Aslynn and Brian who all live out of town. I have not seen Aslynn since she was a couple months old. She is getting so big and she is so cute. She really loved seeing Macie and even held her for a bit (of course I didn't get a picture of it). I did get a few pictures of Aslynn and Macie together though. It was really great to see them!

Saturday, December 20, 2008
3 Months
Happy Three Month Birthday Macie.

I wish you would grow some more hair. We are pretty sure it's going to be curly but it's hard to tell right now. I want to put some cute bows in your hair someday and I'm sure you'll love that. You don't like me messing with anything associated with your head. It's even hard to get you dressed if the clothes have to go over your head.

Love you Macie Face!!!!
I can't believe you are three months old already! Everyone warned me that we needed to enjoy this time because it would fly by and boy does it. I blinked and you were DOUBLE what you weighed when you were born! Your little feet have reached the end of the seat on the swing and we are going to have to make some adjustments to your car seat soon, it's getting a little snug for you. You change every single day and I can't believe how much you look like your daddy. I thought for sure the "Wilson genes" would trump the "Scimeca genes", but they didn't. When you are sleepy you try so hard to stay awake and your eyes get all droopy and roll back in your head- you fight it just like daddy does. You have the most beautiful brown eyes and long dark eyelashes like your daddy- lucky!!!! You did get my nose and my round melon....sorry for those! You got Daddy's monkey toes and we're sorry for that also, but they are still so stinkin' adorable.
You're getting to be such a big girl now and sleeping in your crib for about 6 hours every night. It was a hard adjustment for all of us. You're only a few steps away from our room, but we liked having you with us. You try so hard to find your thumb and suck on it to soothe yourself but you won't open your fist so you just suck on your hand and it's so cute. You are grasping your binky and trying so hard to navigate it to your mouth but just can't seem to quite get it there yet- so close!!!

You LOVE your "tubby time". You just smile and sit in there so patiently while we wash you. Your favorite part is getting wrapped up in your warm, cozy towel.

Your daddy and I didn't think it was possible to love you more, but our love for you grows stronger everyday.

Mommy and Daddy
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Macie got run over by a reindeer

This is the position Macie takes every time we put her in the crib. We are slowly trying to transition her into sleeping in the crib for the night. It's very tough on all of us. I think she doesn't like it because of her acid reflux and laying so flat. We don't like it because she is not in our room and she wakes up more often. She'll sleep 8-9 hours in our room and only about 3-5 in her crib. We're working on a ritual now....7:00-7:30 is bath time and 8:00 we feed her. I take her upstairs and rock her in the glider until she is almost asleep and then put her in the crib. Then daddy and I spend some quality time together. We'll see how it goes.
UPDATE: She slept EIGHT HOURS in her crib last night!!!!!! Yippeeeeeeeee!!!!! What a big girl. She is in such a great mood this morning too. She woke up at 5:30, ate and is just squealing and smiling.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Macie and Santa

I know most of you have already seen the picture of Macie with Santa, but I wanted to post it on here anyway. It's just too cute to not share with the world.
After this visit with Santa I have decided that I am going to gain about 100lbs and grow a beard....he has to make a killing!!!! We bought the CD and that was only ONE picture and it was $25!!! Can you believe it??? What happened to the days where they took a polaroid that was about $3 and you shook it until your head hurt because you were so excited to see the picture???
Of course we paid the $25 since it was her first Christmas and first time seeing Santa....was worth it.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Fatty McFats Update
I have lost another 2.5 lbs.......yippeeeeee! Maybe I won't have to cut off a leg afterall- HA!
Sorry, it's not a very exciting post but it's all I have for now.
Macie Face did sleep for 8 solid hours last night so that was nice.
Sorry, it's not a very exciting post but it's all I have for now.
Macie Face did sleep for 8 solid hours last night so that was nice.
Monday, December 15, 2008
A Christmas Miracle
I'm not sure I can do this news justice so I am just going to post it......Katie and Colin are expecting!!!! They are due June 16th (have an odd feeling it's going to be the 9th).
Katie and I have been friends since we could "cross the street". I remember us playing with our Cabbage Patch dolls and I always looked forward to us growing up and having "real" kids together. Here we are 20 years later....and I am a blubbering mess typing this.
Congratulations to Katie and Colin (Ruby too). You two are going to be amazing parents and we look forward to meeting your little one.
Katie and I have been friends since we could "cross the street". I remember us playing with our Cabbage Patch dolls and I always looked forward to us growing up and having "real" kids together. Here we are 20 years later....and I am a blubbering mess typing this.
Congratulations to Katie and Colin (Ruby too). You two are going to be amazing parents and we look forward to meeting your little one.

Sunday, December 14, 2008
Another night out for Mommy and Daddy
We had Phil's work Christmas dinner this Saturday. Grandma and Grandpa Scimeca watched Macie for us while we went downtown and enjoyed a night out. We had a long drive ahead of us so we pretty much just dropped her off and ran out the door. We called to check in when we were almost to the restaurant and Grandma told us that Macie got fussy and they couldn't find anything- no binky, no blanket... I had put both of them in the room we were sleeping in- Nice work Mommy!!! Once we got that all squared away, everything was great and Macie had a great visit!!! Sunday morning we went over to Joe and Sam's so they could visit with Macie. She fell fast asleep in Sam's arms and probably got a couple kicks from little Joey!!! Sam looks GREAT- all baby- looks like she stuffed a basketball under her shirt, so cute.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Macie is loving her bouncy seat....
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Very Random Entry

Have you ever seen that commercial with the cartoon lady and man and she's talking about losing weight. She says something like "I give up pop and lose a pound, he gives up pop and loses 10".....I am living that right now. Phil and I started a new diet and I have lost 3 lbs. and he's lost about 7. NOT FAIR!!! Why does it work that way?
I guess I can be thankful that I am only 8lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight. Just have to work harder to get to my "ideal" weight now!!! So....about 28lbs to go. Maybe I'll just chop off a leg!
I think I did this post for a little extra motivation. It's now public that I am on a mission to lose weight and I think I'll give updates in hopes of it helping the process. Wish me luck!
Maybe I should post "before" and "after" pictures??? No....won't do that to you.
Here's a cute picture I took of Phil and Macie. She just had a bath and daddy was helping to keep her warm.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
My New Elephant Friend
Nicole, Johnny, Olivia and Sophia got Macie a little stuffed Elephant and Macie LOVES it. It's cheeks light up and it plays Twinkle Twinkle Little Star- it's her new BFF!!!

I also can't tell you how much I love the sleepers that zipper instead of snap!! My mom got this super cute sleeper and it's one of the two that I have that zip and it's Wonderful!!! Thanks Mom for making my life a little easier!
Then I just added a cute close up of the little booger face!

More Visitors
Phil's cousin Nicole, her husband Johnny and their adorable daughters Olivia and Sophia came over for a visit on Saturday. Of course I didn't get all the pictures that I wanted to but I did get some with Olivia and Sophia. They are the cutest, sweetest girls, we really enjoyed hanging out with all of them. They bought Macie two really cute outfits and a sleeper that Olivia picked out herself. Can't wait for Macie to wear them.
Seems Macie is suffering from her first cold. Her cry was sounding very hoarse yesterday and she sounds stuffy. Today she woke up and the poor thing had boogers all over her face and she seemed to be trying to breathe through her nose, but sounded stuffed up. She doesn't have a fever, isn't throwing up, her appetite is pretty good and she's pretty happy for sounding so miserable. She's such a trooper. We may be making a trip to the Dr. this week if she doesn't get better.
We put her in her crib Friday night to sleep for the first time and she went 5 hours, but now we are going to bring her back in our room. I am paranoid since she's stuffed up!!! Poor baby!
Seems Macie is suffering from her first cold. Her cry was sounding very hoarse yesterday and she sounds stuffy. Today she woke up and the poor thing had boogers all over her face and she seemed to be trying to breathe through her nose, but sounded stuffed up. She doesn't have a fever, isn't throwing up, her appetite is pretty good and she's pretty happy for sounding so miserable. She's such a trooper. We may be making a trip to the Dr. this week if she doesn't get better.
We put her in her crib Friday night to sleep for the first time and she went 5 hours, but now we are going to bring her back in our room. I am paranoid since she's stuffed up!!! Poor baby!
Friday, December 5, 2008
We took Macie to see Santa today and she was so good. She was awake and alert and seemed to enjoy all the commotion. Phil was so cute and worried about putting her in Santa's lap and I said "if we can't trust Santa to take good care of our baby, who can we trust?". As a Daddy and protector you don't take those aspects into consideration and it's very cute. He's always looking out for her and couldn't be a better more caring daddy.
I am so lucky and looking so forward to our first Christmas with Macie.
No pictures with this post....sorry, you'll have to stay tuned- it's TOP SECRET!!!!
I am so lucky and looking so forward to our first Christmas with Macie.
No pictures with this post....sorry, you'll have to stay tuned- it's TOP SECRET!!!!
My Dr. visit update
I went in today to have one of my "tumors" (I put it in quotes because I am not sure what else to call it and that's what the Dr. and Nurses keeps calling it- just sounds so much worse than it is) removed. Was a relatively quick procedure, they just numbed the area (it's between my shoulder and my neck) and cut it out. There are stitches inside that dissolve and then stitches on the outside that I will have removed when I go in and have the other tumor from my chest removed. I'm guessing it is still numb because I don't feel any pain yet and they told me to expect it to be pretty painful since it was deep. After the other one is removed I will do follow up visits every 6 months to be checked for anymore.
While I was there the nurse was telling me about a guy that was in their office from 7am to 10:30 PM having one removed from his forehead. He was being treated by another Dr. who was freezing his off. In the process of this freezing, the tumor grew to cover almost half of his scalp. The first Dr. never did a biopsy and the cancer was growing for so long that it got into the nerves. They had to do a pretty intense removal and a skin graft. The nurse just told me to be careful and make sure if I see anymore to come in right away. Since I am the lovely recipient of fair skin and red hair I am more prone to skin cancer.
You all might want to buy stock in Sunscreen, I will be emptying the shelves for myself and Macie.
Just so you are aware- be on the look out for a sore that won't heal or any irregular shaped moles, freckles, etc.
Onto more fun things! We are taking Macie to see Santa today. Hope he doesn't freak her out too bad!!! Stay tuned for an update!
While I was there the nurse was telling me about a guy that was in their office from 7am to 10:30 PM having one removed from his forehead. He was being treated by another Dr. who was freezing his off. In the process of this freezing, the tumor grew to cover almost half of his scalp. The first Dr. never did a biopsy and the cancer was growing for so long that it got into the nerves. They had to do a pretty intense removal and a skin graft. The nurse just told me to be careful and make sure if I see anymore to come in right away. Since I am the lovely recipient of fair skin and red hair I am more prone to skin cancer.
You all might want to buy stock in Sunscreen, I will be emptying the shelves for myself and Macie.
Just so you are aware- be on the look out for a sore that won't heal or any irregular shaped moles, freckles, etc.
Onto more fun things! We are taking Macie to see Santa today. Hope he doesn't freak her out too bad!!! Stay tuned for an update!
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Getting ready for Christmas!
I LOVE Christmas and it is really sneaking up on me this year. I feel like I don't have enough time to shop and decorate. Obviously this year is extremely special since it is Macie's first Christmas. I really need to get on the ball here and get moving! We did break out our very sad Christmas tree and box of ornaments. They didn't bother me last year, but this year I would like to put some effort in it. We got the Christmas tree up and it's kinda leaning and looking pretty sad. My bitching about it on Sunday came in handy. My brother and sister in law have a tree they are not using that we are going to use. They went and cut down a live cool!!! Maybe we'll do that in the future, but for now....all fake! So, we are taking down our leaning, very sad tree and putting up a new one and getting new ornaments/decorations for it. For now, I just have pictures of the old one. I got a picture of Phil and Macie hanging her first ornament on the tree. It's a precious moments ornament that says "Baby's First Christmas". Grandma and Papa Scimeca got it for her and it's so cute. I also added some random pictures that I took while we attempted to put the tree up.

Friday, November 28, 2008
2 Month Check Up
Macie had her two month check up today. She is 13.1 lbs and 22 inches long. She is growing appropriately for her age and they were impressed with her eating and sleeping habits. She had three of her shots today and oh my- that sucked. She screamed like I have never heard a baby scream before. She screamed and cried and looked at me, then Phil, then back at me and then came the lower lip. I lost it!!! Seeing your baby cry like that because they are hurting is really sad and there is nothing you can do to stop the hurt. Part of me wanted to swipe her up off the table and run out of there and just keep her in a bubble the rest of her life, but I had to get a grip. She was already a little fussy since it was feeding time and then this nurse started jabbing her like a pin was awful! She cried hard for about 20-30 minutes (seemed like 2 hours) and finally exhausted herself and she fell asleep. While she was crying, we made an attempt at feeding her, but she was too upset. So we went and did some shopping and she stayed conked out the WHOLE TIME!!! My poor baby! Below is a picture of her owie and her cute little belly button. I asked the Dr. about that too since it pops out like that when she's normal. I had an umbilical hernia when I was a baby so I was worried about it but he said if it doesn't "close up" by a year or so then we might have to have it looked at again. Anyway...all is well and she's healthy and just cute as a bug!

Macie's First Thanksgiving
Macie's first Thanksgiving was very nice. We went over to Mike and Linda's house and had an incredible meal. Macie of course thoroughly enjoyed herself since everyone wanted to hold her. I just realized that she wore her first dress yesterday. Katie and Karen bought her the adorable dress and she FINALLY fits in it. I hope I gave it justice in the picture, it's a sweater dress with very pretty embroidered flowers on the neck and sleeves.
Thank you to Mike and Linda for having us, everything was so good!!!

Thank you to Mike and Linda for having us, everything was so good!!!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
A Thanksgiving Burrito!
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. This year has been an event filled one. We've had some not so good news come to us this year and we are hoping and praying that will turn into good news very soon. I believe that God only gives us what we can handle and I believe that our family is all full!!!
On the flip side, we also have so much to be to be thankful for. We gave birth to our beautiful baby girl, Macie Rose on September 20 of this year. We are blessed that she is healthy and happy and filling our lives everyday with love that we never knew existed. We are truly lucky to have Macie in our lives and we look forward to the coming years!
I named this blog the "Thanksgiving Burrito" because of the picture below. I wrapped Macie up in a blanket and she looked like the cutest little burrito!
The other picture is of the very interesting outfit that daddy dressed Macie in while Mommy was at work. He wanted to put the onsie on her because he thought it was cute. It is from Grandma a Papa Wilson and says "yes I know I'm cute". Daddy couldn't find pants to put on her so he just grabbed some brown ones and put them on. Not the cutest outfit, but it'll work!
A little side note: Macie slept a solid 8 hours last night!!! I woke up in a panic, ran over and checked if she was breathing and couldn't hear her so I touched her and she jumped. Yikes! My mom warned me that would happen the first time she slept that long.
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving. We are very lucky to have family and friends like you.
All our love!

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Another weekend flies by...
We had a very nice weekend. Friday we just stayed home and relaxed which was wonderful! Saturday morning Uncle Mark, Grandma and Papa Wilson came over to help with some things around the house. We are doing some home improvements and needed their assistance. Thank you for helping us out!!! Saturday night we went to Grandma and Papa Scimeca's house. Phil and I went out and grabbed a bite to eat. It was the first time Grandma and Papa got Macie all to themselves and it was nice for us to get out. They of course spoiled her with a very cute stuffed animal that laughs when you squeeze it's foot, a Precious Moments ornament and a teething toy-they are all so cute. We stayed the night and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa came over to see Macie. We all had a very nice time.
I apparently left my brain at home because I left our camera at home so I have NO pictures from the weekend. I was really looking forward to getting some pictures too. Grandma got some so I will have to try and get copies of them.
I apparently left my brain at home because I left our camera at home so I have NO pictures from the weekend. I was really looking forward to getting some pictures too. Grandma got some so I will have to try and get copies of them.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
2 Months Today- How Time Flies!
I will write later and post some pictures when I have the better computer.
I can't believe she is 2 months old already!!!
2 months.....Wow. We are amazed everyday that our love can grow deeper for our little "Macie Face". I know....weird nickname but it just comes out of our mouths. She makes the cutest faces when she's sleeping or we are talking to her so we say "awwww, Macie face".
I can't believe the difference in her attentiveness, eye contact and interaction from just two weeks ago. She really locks eyes with me now while she is eating and when I talk to her. She looks like she is talking to me and trying to tell me something, but just can't form the words. I was talking to her yesterday morning and telling her that we were going to have a mommy/Macie day and go shopping and she looked at me like she understood what I was saying and then flashed "the smile" at me and my eyes welled up with tears. I don't know how else to describe the feeling you get when you have a moment like that (any Mommy knows the feeling). Any worries or stresses that I have go away and I am filled with such a sense of contentment. We actually made this little girl and are now responsible for raising her and it's the best feeling EVER!
I feel like her personality is really coming through and I get the feeling that she's going to be really sweet and that she's going to be a little bit of a jokester.
Happy Two Month Birthday my sweet baby!!!

I can't believe she is 2 months old already!!!
2 months.....Wow. We are amazed everyday that our love can grow deeper for our little "Macie Face". I know....weird nickname but it just comes out of our mouths. She makes the cutest faces when she's sleeping or we are talking to her so we say "awwww, Macie face".
I can't believe the difference in her attentiveness, eye contact and interaction from just two weeks ago. She really locks eyes with me now while she is eating and when I talk to her. She looks like she is talking to me and trying to tell me something, but just can't form the words. I was talking to her yesterday morning and telling her that we were going to have a mommy/Macie day and go shopping and she looked at me like she understood what I was saying and then flashed "the smile" at me and my eyes welled up with tears. I don't know how else to describe the feeling you get when you have a moment like that (any Mommy knows the feeling). Any worries or stresses that I have go away and I am filled with such a sense of contentment. We actually made this little girl and are now responsible for raising her and it's the best feeling EVER!
I feel like her personality is really coming through and I get the feeling that she's going to be really sweet and that she's going to be a little bit of a jokester.
Happy Two Month Birthday my sweet baby!!!

Monday, November 17, 2008
Thanks Auntie Cathy!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thought I was done peeing my pants....
until now. This was too funny to not share. Phil was having a "chat" with Macie tonight that went something like this....(obviously one sided since Macie can't talk back)...
"Macie, you are not to date until you are 17."
"No drinking until you are 19" AND.....
not sure where and how the conversation got to this point, but Phil was explaining to her that by the time she was graduating high school we would be old and she would be changing our diapers. Phil wanted to make sure she knew to use ButtPaste.
This is the look on her face at the exact moment he said that to her.....
"Macie, you are not to date until you are 17."
"No drinking until you are 19" AND.....
not sure where and how the conversation got to this point, but Phil was explaining to her that by the time she was graduating high school we would be old and she would be changing our diapers. Phil wanted to make sure she knew to use ButtPaste.
This is the look on her face at the exact moment he said that to her.....

A Rare Moment
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A Special Treat for Mommy!
I have been bummed the past few days since I am returning to work tomorrow. I am only going back a few days a week to start so it's not THAT bad, but I would rather stay home with Macie of course. I am so scared I am going to miss some important milestone. I know that I will get to see all kinds of milestones but as a Mom, you just don't want to miss any of them especially when they happen for the first time.
Well today I was doing some Tummy Time with Macie and she rolled over on her own!!! I got so excited that I startled her. I put her back on her tummy and she did it AGAIN!!! It was so great to see. I was worried that she hadn't done it yet. Her neck and arm muscles seemed to be so strong so early but I looked it up and she's right on track.
When it develops
Your baby may be able to kick himself over, from his tummy to his back, as early as age 2 to 3 months. It may take him until he's about 5 or 6 months to flip from back to front, though, because he needs stronger neck and arm muscles for that maneuver.
How it develops
At about 3 months, when placed on his stomach, your baby will lift his head and shoulders high, using his arms for support. This mini-pushup helps him strengthen the muscles he'll use to roll over. He'll amaze you (and himself!) the first time he flips over. (While babies often flip from front to back first, doing it the other way is perfectly normal, too.)
I ran upstairs to get the video camera and put her back on her tummy but she wouldn't do it again of course. I think she wore herself out. We'll just have to try it again later!
I'm so glad I was here to see that!!!
Well today I was doing some Tummy Time with Macie and she rolled over on her own!!! I got so excited that I startled her. I put her back on her tummy and she did it AGAIN!!! It was so great to see. I was worried that she hadn't done it yet. Her neck and arm muscles seemed to be so strong so early but I looked it up and she's right on track.
When it develops
Your baby may be able to kick himself over, from his tummy to his back, as early as age 2 to 3 months. It may take him until he's about 5 or 6 months to flip from back to front, though, because he needs stronger neck and arm muscles for that maneuver.
How it develops
At about 3 months, when placed on his stomach, your baby will lift his head and shoulders high, using his arms for support. This mini-pushup helps him strengthen the muscles he'll use to roll over. He'll amaze you (and himself!) the first time he flips over. (While babies often flip from front to back first, doing it the other way is perfectly normal, too.)
I ran upstairs to get the video camera and put her back on her tummy but she wouldn't do it again of course. I think she wore herself out. We'll just have to try it again later!
I'm so glad I was here to see that!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
7 Weeks
I was looking at Macie laying on Phil's chest last night and I got sad! She used to take up such a small space on him and now her little body extends all the way from his neck to his waist. She's getting so big!
My good friends Mike and Carrie got Macie the cutest hooded towel EVER!!! Her name is embroidered on the back. They really know the way to her heart, she loves being wrapped in a cozy towel after her bath.
We had a really great time on Saturday hanging out with Susie, Nelson and Jaden! Thanks for coming over to visit!

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