This is the position Macie takes every time we put her in the crib. We are slowly trying to transition her into sleeping in the crib for the night. It's very tough on all of us. I think she doesn't like it because of her acid reflux and laying so flat. We don't like it because she is not in our room and she wakes up more often. She'll sleep 8-9 hours in our room and only about 3-5 in her crib. We're working on a ritual now....7:00-7:30 is bath time and 8:00 we feed her. I take her upstairs and rock her in the glider until she is almost asleep and then put her in the crib. Then daddy and I spend some quality time together. We'll see how it goes.
UPDATE: She slept EIGHT HOURS in her crib last night!!!!!! Yippeeeeeeeee!!!!! What a big girl. She is in such a great mood this morning too. She woke up at 5:30, ate and is just squealing and smiling.
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