This might be the longest I have gone without doing a post! It's been awful busy around the Scimeca household. I believe the last post I did was our trips to the pumpkin farms, and apple picking. I am just going to try and be brief on what we have been up to.
I'll go back to Halloween. We had a really good time over in my parents "hood". We met there, got the girls ready, and headed out to do some trick or treating. Macie was a cute little pirate girl, and Emma got the short end of the costume stick and went as Foofa (it was Macie's costume from last year). We have decided that we are not going to spend a ton of money on costumes when neither one of them really "get" the whole Halloween thing, and they don't ask to be something specific. Macie really did a great job with trick or treating. Phil took her to all the houses, she would very politely take a piece of candy, and put it in her basket. She really seemed to get in to it after the first few houses. She doesn't even eat candy so it was a definite bonus for Mommy and Daddy. Emma did so good too. She would say "tiiiiii teeeeee" at some of the houses, and she would also say "tank too" when they gave her candy. After trick or treating for a while we went back to my parents house and had some pizza.
She wouldn't wear the skull bandanna that came with the costume, but she was still adorable. |
She surprisingly kept the hat part to her costume on the entire time.
Macie has been doing really great at school, and she loves going to school. I was waiting for a major meltdown in the mornings because she didn't want to get on the bus, but it hasn't happened yet. Phil and I went to our first parent teacher conference a few weeks ago. It was nice sit down with her teacher, the therapists, and aides to talk about how she is doing. Macie is really doing well with the daily routine, and she is using her picture schedule like a champ. She goes over to the schedule, picks the next activity and then heads over to the station. She's also the little class helper when it comes to snack time, or lunch. She goes over to the "snack box", gets her mat first (each child has a different colored mat with their name on it), and puts it at her spot. Then she goes back and gets all the other mats and puts them on the table for them. She is excelling in the areas of play, and social interaction. She loves playing with toys, puzzles, and drawing. She sits very nicely for circle time and participates in the books, or songs they are doing. She's very good at matching games. Her teacher said when she is out on the playground she loves playing chase, and she is doing a really great job interacting with kids from other classrooms, as well as the kids in her classroom. She's still not talking so any of the areas that have to do with language are difficult for her to advance in, but she is definitely trying to say more. We have heard "all done", "dada", "graham cracker", and "hungry" since she started school. She is getting much better at using the PECS, and we are working on getting better at using it at home too. She loves anything to do with drawing, and art. She's starting to draw things and we can tell what they are. She is mainly drawing faces, but she draws eyes, ears, and hair with little to no assistance. We are very pleased with how she is doing in school!!! All of the teachers' hard work with her is reflecting at home too. Macie actually initiates play with Emma now, and she enjoys it. Emma is still a little "gun shy", but she's warming up to Macie again. Emma tried so hard for so long to play with Macie, and Macie wouldn't have anything to do with her. Macie would shove her, hit her, walk away from her, etc. All that still happens, but it's not at often.
Here are some of Macie's recent art projects. She's learning to use scissors too, and she cut out the apple tree with assistance from her OT. |
She's learning to use glue. |
She's trying to be helpful around the house. |
She's annoyed when I take too many pictures. |
She's teaching her sister how to climb, and it's making us crazy! |
They play together at dinner. |
They watch cartoons together. |
Emma hesitantly trying to play with Macie. |
Emma is two going on TWELVE! She questions everything I do with "why"- I thought that wasn't supposed to happen until three. After explaining "why" a hundred times I give her the standard "because I said so".
I can't even keep track of everything she is saying now. She repeats everything we say and do. The other day she wanted to go to bed so she went over to the stairs and said "nigh nigh. Mommy, let's go!" She's still working on the alphabet, and she's getting to K almost without any errors. She can count to ten. She knows all her body parts. Every day she amazes me with something else. It really puts things in to perspective with Macie, and it stings sometimes. Once in a while I am beating myself up for not noticing issues with Macie sooner, but we are basically going through all this for the first time with Emma. It's always strange to report every single little thing that Emma does to anyone who will listen because we should have gone through all this with Macie. We were "robbed" of a lot of "firsts" with Macie. Things like doing her ABC's, and counting, or stringing two and three words together. Even asking for items that she wants is so shocking to us. Emma is right where she should be, but we act like she's the first kid to count to ten by 20 months old. Does that make any sense? They are both amazing, and both doing really well. I just need to remind myself that these differences are going to exist their entire lives.
Phil started a new job around mid September. This company had been stalking calling him for quite a while. Phil turned down their first offer since he was comfortable where he was, and liked what he was doing. A few months passed, and the new place called him again. Phil told them his "demands", they made a compromise and he was hired. He has been having to travel for training and that's kinda sucked, but he's done with that now.....thank god!
I am still keeping my eyes open for jobs, still considering going back to school, and still wondering how I would do either with this stinkin' economy. It's hard to find a job let alone a decent paying one. We would have to put both girls in daycare (Macie would go after school until we pick her up) and that is not cheap. So....blah, blah, blah with me.....boring.
I did make a decision to start working on my weight again. I was doing a great job of maintaining my weight, but am not at my goal. I am hoping to get the last stubborn 20lbs off that I have been wanting to get off for way too long. I weigh a little less than I did on our wedding day so that's a plus. Since I started this new weight loss journey, I have lost just under 8lbs, and about 7 1/2 inches. Wish me luck on the last 12lbs. Doesn't sound too hard, but it is. I took some "before" pictures so hopefully there will be a noticeable difference if, and when the rest comes off.
Think that is all I have for now.
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
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