Wednesday, July 6, 2011

I am in shock

Not guilty?  Honestly?  Everyone knows the details of the case so I won't rehash them.  I am so angry about this verdict.  What exactly were the jurors thinking?  I would not want to be in any one of their shoes, and if I were them- I would leave the country with Casey Anthony.  They can bring Casey along to be a live in babysitter for their children.
If either of my kids were missing for even 31 minutes, let alone 31 days- I would be a mess.  I certainly wouldn't be out partying, and getting tattooed.  Just SICK!
I am sad that justice was not served.  I know so many people who have struggled with infertility, illness, and the loss of their children.  Casey Anthony was given the gift of a beautiful, healthy little girl and she took her life (in my opinion), and had no remorse. 
Rest in Peace sweet Caylee. 

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