I'm talking about myself here. Sad, but true....I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up. I am 90% sure I am going back to school to get my Occupational Therapy Assistant Degree/Certificate. I may eventually work on my Masters, but going to take this route right now. OTA's actually make a very good living, and it's something I think I would really enjoy. I got my degree in Child Development with an emphasis in Child Life Therapy which involves working in hospitals. There were ZERO jobs out there when I graduated, I moved, on and am no longer eligible to be a Child Life Therapist b/c I got my degree a decade and 1/2 ago....sad. So, I am going to try something else. I will hopefully be able to transfer a lot of classes I took at NIU and use them towards this degree. We will see. It's in the works- I have contacted an advisor, I am getting transcripts sent over from NIU, and I have done all my research on the field. It's expected to grow 30% over the next few years. There is a huge need for OT's, and they are utilizing Assistants more and more because they are overloaded with cases. I looked around the area for places hiring OT Assistants and there are a TON with very generous hourly rates and salaries.
I say 90% sure I am doing this b/c it's going to be a challenge with the girls, Macie's therapy, my work, Phil's work, etc. I don't want to say with 100% certainty b/c if I do, and don't make it through this.....I will only be 90% a failure....just kidding!
Wish me luck on this journey!!!
And thank you to my most amazing Husband. He is so encouraging about this and really helping me get everything going and organized! MUAH.....
Good luck! Sounds like a great plan.
You SHOULD!!!! And do it when the girls are young. Reallyy!!!! I am SO glad I did my masters when Joey was a baby! Do it, Do it, Do it!!!!
Sorry I didn't see this before. I just recently found out you were blogging again. I hope you do this. You would be wonderful at it and every single child you come in contact with would be lucky to have you. Whatever we can do to help you, you know we absolutely will!
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