My Dearest Macie,

1 year ago today, you came into this world. September 20th, 2008 was the most important, wonderful, life changing day of my life. You have brought more happiness, laughter and fulfillment to my life than I ever thought possible. It took a lot to get you into this world, and it's all such a distant memory now that I have had a whole year to wake up to your smile, listen to your cute belly laugh, watch you learn and discover new things, watch you grow right before my eyes, listen to you try and say words, and become a little girl. You will always be my baby girl....even when you are grown.

You are growing up so fast. You say or do something new every single day. Your newest words/phrases are: "good girl", "bye bye" (with a wave), and "all done". You are so fast when you crawl that I am not sure you will ever walk. I think you realize that you can get around much faster if you just keep crawling, forget learning to walk! You pull yourself up on everything in your path and "surf" around the furniture. After you pull yourself up, you let go, stand for a few seconds and then fall on your butt and crawl to your next destination. You are really getting into your toys now and it is so much fun to watch you play and discover new things. You do have a destructive side to you. Your Daddy and I build towers with your blocks and you will spot one and come flying from across the room to knock it down. You get such satisfaction when you do this and then follow up with an "uh oh", or an "oh boy".

You had your first birthday party yesterday, and what an event that was. So many friends and family were there to celebrate YOU!!! The weather could not have been more perfect and it was just such a great day all around. You had such a good time playing with the kids, eating your cake, opening all the great gifts that everyone got you. You are going to be very busy with all your new toys and you will be VERY well dressed while doing it! You are loved by so many!!! I hope everyone had a great time at your party, I know you sure did! You have spent most of today sleeping.

I wish I could just stop the time from going so fast. Everyone kept telling me to "enjoy this time, it goes by way too fast".....that is an understatement!!! I blinked and you were one. I know that there are so many more things to enjoy as you grow and I do look forward to that!!! I must have done something really amazing in a past life to deserve you! Your daddy and I are so lucky to have you, and to have the opportunity to love you and watch you go through life! You have brought so much to our lives already and we could not be happier.

Happy First Birthday! I love you!
Happy 1st Birthday Macie!!! 365 days of sweet little you - We've loved every minute of it!
We had such a good time at your party . . . You're a lucky girl - A lot of people love you.
Your next year will be an exciting one and best of all, you're going to be a big sister!
Grandma & Papa
Happy 1st Birthday little one. I swear we were just meeting you for the first time and now it is a year later. You are a sweet little girl and we love you so very much! All the things you do are wonderful, but the thing Auntie Gayle loves the most is your big huge tears. Not that crying is a good thing, but it is so darn cute how fast the tears come when you are mad or upset and how huge they are. Sooo adorable!! Your cousins Katie and Ryan could not love you more and you adore them - especially Katie. We are blessed to have you in our lives!!
We love you,
Uncle Mark, Auntie Gayle, Katie and Ryan
Happy Birthday Macie. You've brought so many smiles to so many hearts.
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