My Sweet Baby Macie,
Today you are 10 months old. Double digits??? How did that happen? This past month has been so exciting, and a very busy one for you. You are now crawling like a pro and nothing gets in your way.

Things you have learned: Independence, removing your diaper yourself, crawling at warp speeds to get into things that you know you shouldn't be getting into, clapping (and you are so proud of yourself), saying "uh oh", saying "hey dada, mama, papa", the mid-diapering "sneak away" maneuver, and standing (We have yet to witness this, but you did it at Grandma and Papa's house the other day).

I'm not sure that we were prepared for any of the above, but you sure are keeping us on our toes. I still watch you in amazement every single day. You are just such a little sponge and you try to imitate everything that we do, it's so adorable.

Now, about the whole bottle/sippy cup thing. Can you PLEASE just feed yourself? I know you can do it, I have seen it. Don't get me wrong, I cherish the times in the morning when you first get up and I give you your bottle. You are so cuddly and sleepy, it melts my heart when we lock eyes and I talk softly to you, and you get that little sparkle in your eyes. It's the times in between the first and last feedings that I just wish you would grab a hold of the bottle yourself. I know I am asking a lot- I don't want you to be so independent so fast, yet I am asking you to feed yourself- it's confusing I am sure. You do feed yourself solid foods and you want NOTHING to do with any of us feeding it to you. You love cheese, fruit, bread, yogurt, and your tried Dippin' Dots the other day at the zoo (that was a time I truly regret not having my camera on hand).

It's just been the most amazing 10 months of our lives. You have such a great disposition, you're funny, adorable, smart and the best thing that has ever happened to us.

I love you dearly!
You have the worst aunt ever!! That would be me. I had you here where I could have given you a much bigger smooch and a hug to wish you a happy 10 month birthday and I didn't. Shame on me. I can say that you are quite the happy little girl and I love seeing you every week. You have the cutest smile ever that always starts with your eyes and moves to a tentative little smile. Soo sweet and melts the heart. Happy birthday little one - can hardly believe you are almost a whole year old. Love, Auntie Gayle
Happy 10 month birthday, Macie! Now you're not only cute, sweet, and fun, but you've added "busy!" You didn't know Grandma & Grandpa were watching you on the monitor when you stood up in bed - How long have you been doing that?!!!
The Dippin Dots at the zoo was priceless - I think you actually liked them, but you'd never know by the look on your face.
We love you, and look forward to every new day with you.
Grandma & Papa
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