You are going to be 9 months old tomorrow and I think I am in denial! You have officially graced us with your presence for a bit longer than you were in my tummy. I said it before and I will say it again- the almost 9 months that I carried you seemed like 9 years and it's because your Daddy and I were so anxious to meet you and study you! The nine months that you have been on the outside have gone so fast in comparison. We still study you, it never gets old! I know every roll, every crevice, every mark, every hair and every cute feature on your adorable little body. You change on a daily basis and I often find myself just starring at you in amazement that you can actually get cuter everyday.

This last month has been very busy for you. You finally said "Mama" for the first time. I definitely don't hear it as often as "Dada", but you do muster one out occasionally just to appease me. It works. You got two more teeth this past month too. You got the two top middle ones, and seems they are giving you a bit of a hard time. You are a bit more cranky than normal, but nothing some Tylenol and a teether can't fix. OK.....Backyardigans works too. If Mommy and Daddy can't entertain you enough to keep your mind off the pain, we resort to Pablo and you are all smiles as soon as he starts singing and dancing.

I thought for sure you would be crawling by the time I wrote this letter. You are so close and you get so frustrated. Daddy even gets down on the floor to show you how it's done. You do watch him and study his moves, but just can't quite get it. I would not be at all surprised if you just started walking and never crawled. You get up on your hands and your tiptoes and you try to kick one of your legs up.

You had your first and second overnight trips with both sets of Grandparents, and all in the same week. You're Daddy surprised me with an overnight trip, and then that weekend we went to Matt and Jessica's wedding. We missed you terribly, but knew you were in great hands.
You sure had a busy month and this is only the beginning of what's to come this summer.
I still start everyday with your beautiful smile, and it is a daily reminder of just how sweet and cute you are, and your Daddy and I are the luckiest parents on earth.

I love you my sweet face,
1 comment:
Happy 9 months Macie!! Grandpa and I have enjoyed every month of you!
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