Is it true that you are 8 months old already? My eyes are getting a little teary while I am typing this because I can not believe that I gave birth to you 8 months ago. It seems like I blinked and you grew overnight. I love watching you grow and learn new things, but it goes so quick that I am afraid I might forget what happened and when. That is why I am so glad that I decided to do this blog and document your life. I have a calendar in the kitchen and every time you do something new, I write it on the calendar. I have to admit that I have been terrible about updating your baby book, but this is so much more fun. So many family members and friends check this blog to see how and what you are doing, and they can't believe how fast time is flying.

Speaking of not fearing anything, you are not scared of water at all. I have been taking you out of your bath seat after you are all clean and let you sit in the tub. You splash around like crazy, and dive for the duckies swimming around in the tub. Tonight you tried to put your face in the water and were a bit surprised, but it didn't stop you from trying again. I think you are going to be quite the little fishy. You think the splashing is so fun and so hilarious, but I have to change my clothes when you are done.
My favorite part of the day is going in to get you in the morning. I think you would sit in there forever and "talk" and play if we didn't come in and get you. I LOVE my new alarm clock, and it's you. I hear your sweet little voice and it makes waking that early not so bad. When we go in to get you, you are always peeking over the top of the crib with an enormous smile on your face. It's priceless and my heart aches with happiness when you flash that smile at me.

You made your Daddy the happiest man on the face of the earth on May 14th. You said "Dada" finally. We both knew that was going to be first, we just didn't know when it would happen. You said it out of the blue when I walked in the room. I looked at you and said "what did you say?", and you looked up at me and said "Dada". Total coincidence, I know, but I about peed myself in excitement. You kept repeating it so of course I picked up the phone and called Daddy, and then you wouldn't say it again. When you first started saying it, I am pretty sure you had no clue what it really meant. After about a day or two you definitely knew who "Dada" was and you used it properly. Way to go Macie. Next stop....."Mama".
You also adore my necklace and are constantly looking for it. You yank on it and try desperately to put it in your mouth. Just today I was holding you and I could tell you were looking for it (it was tucked in my shirt). I said "where is Mommy's necklace" and you pulled my shirt out and grabbed it. I think you said "it's right here, dummy". You're so smart.

This past month you had your first trip to the zoo. Daddy and I had more fun than you did, but I know you will enjoy it very soon. We can't wait for the Butterfly exhibit to be open again so we can see your reaction to them. Hope you won't be freaked out. I think we will be going there a lot since you LOVE LOVE LOVE being outside. We have gone for so many walks lately and you can't get enough. We stop at the park and put you in the swing and I swear you would stay there all night if we let you.

I decided to stop using you as an excuse to get to the gym. They have childcare there so Daddy and I went together and took you with us. It's a very nice little set up, they have tons of toys and things to do. When we dropped you off in there the first time, I was a little nervous. I worked in day cares and I know that things don't get "Mommy clean", but I had to get over it. There are two very young girls that work there in the evenings, but they seemed sweet. We worked out and it went fine. I went the next day and there was an older lady there and she just held you and loved you the whole time you were there. Fine by me. The last time we brought you didn't go so well. As Daddy and I are working out I hear "Rachelle, please come to the kids room". For a second I thought "do they mean me"....."No, there's other kids in there, can't be me". I glance around for Daddy and can't find him and then hear you screaming in the kids room. I go in there and Daddy is holding you, and there is blood coming from your mouth. Supposedly, you must have bit down too hard on your toy (thank god they had gotten her toy out of the diaper bag). I think that they weren't paying attention and you fell over and that's how it happened. BUT....I have no proof, and you're fine so I will be going back. Not sure why I shared that. Guess it was two "firsts" for you.....childcare and a boo boo.
Two more of your teeth just popped through your gums. You got the bottom two a long time ago, I thought they would be here a lot sooner. I also thought your next two would be the two top middle ones.....nope, you got your two eye teeth in. You are going to look like a vampire. The look will go well with the new noises you are making, they are a bit strange I must say.

I love when you act like you are being shy and you wrap your little arms around my neck and squeeze me with everything you have. I melt every time, and almost squeeze you back until your little eyeballs pop out. I can't get enough of that. I never knew that my heart could get bigger and be filled with so much love and contentment. You make everyday so special and I hope that you know how much I love you. I may not always do the right things, and I worry a lot that I am not being a good enough Mommy, but no one is good enough for you my sweet baby!
All My Love,
Happy 8 month birthday Macie! We're so glad you're spending the day with Papa and I. A beautiful day, for a beautiful girl's special day.
Happy Birthday baby girl!! You are a very lucky little girl to have a mommy like yours. This is a very special gift she is giving you by writing this to you. Not to mention how much she clearly loves you. I know you will grow up and enjoy reading these as much as we do. It is a gift to us that your mom shares them with us.
You have a wonderful 8 month birthday and I am looking forward to seeing you on Sunday.
sniff sniff.... I'm teary eyed! What a nice letter!
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